Sat.Mar 13, 2021 - Fri.Mar 19, 2021

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Benefits of Omnichannel Customer Support


There is a way to keep clients engaged and loyal through every interaction; this includes a highly focused detail on the service provided, which can be easily achieved through omnichannel customer service. It is no secret that 90% of clients have consistent channels while 75% of online customers expect assistance within 5 minutes [1] ; these numbers put it upfront that integrating omnichannel customer support in your business is a game-changer.

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Take the “Work” Out of HR Paperwork

Automation Anywhere

Among the many myths floating around about human resources, the most popular one is HR only focuses on hiring the workforce and retaining them. Contrary to this belief, HR in an organization is also responsible for managing the workforce data administration. And part of that responsibility includes employee data entry, time-off administration, yearly tax form generation, and more.


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What Is Shop Floor Control and How Does it Drive ROI?


Body. Shop Floor Control (SFC) is a set of software and tools used to track, schedule and report on the progress of work in a manufacturing plant. Shop Floor Control systems, such as the recently updated BlueCherry ® Shop Floor Control Enterprise edition , generally evaluate the portion of an order or operation that has been completed. That percentage of work in process is useful for resource planning, inventory evaluations [1] and supervisor/operator productivity on a shop floor.

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Why You Should Work for a Nearshoring Company

Jonajo Blog

So you started working from home and never want to go back into the office? Have you found that you don’t miss the commute, the strict schedule or all of the distractions of an office? Well if you want to make the transition to working from home a permanent part of your life I can let you in on a little secret. Some of us have been working from home for years.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Advantages of Different Set Up Outsourcing Philippines

Magellan Solutions

Our stance when you outsource work to philippine. Magellan Solutions understand that one must be on top of innovation. We seek growth with our agents along with our business partners to remain relevant. We require our agents to meet the expectation of learning new skills to be on the same level as the global market. Common BPO outsourcing in the country are captive centers and third-party outsourcing.

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Upskilling Your Workforce and Growing RPA Talent

Automation Anywhere

The world of work is changing. As intelligent automation extends through your business, you’ll find employees embracing it—and being happier as a result. Forbes found by surveying more than 300 global executives that deploying intelligent automation—RPA plus artificial intelligence (AI)—increases satisfaction at businesses (92%). And 52% said that employee satisfaction increased by 15% or more after implementing intelligent RPA.

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The Basics of Web Design

Jonajo Blog

In the modern world a well designed website can make a significant difference in brand recognition, sales and customer retention. As ecommerce rises in popularity it is becoming more and more evident that a website is the modern storefront. See our article on ecommerce to understand the full weight of it. If a website is crucial to your business’s success then the question arises: what is a well designed website?

Design 64
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Top Healthcare BPO Companies And Their Services

Magellan Solutions

Magellan Solutions as a medical insurance bpo. Health insurance companies make up a massive segment of the U.S. economy. It is a $1.1 trillion dollar enterprise currently. The steady growth has been recorded at 2.9 percent each year on average from 2015 to 2020. . The US currently houses more than 900 health insurance companies. However, the health insurance industry is dominated by: Anthem.

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6 Criteria for Business Leaders to Evaluate RPA SaaS

Automation Anywhere

Software as a service (SaaS) is now ubiquitous in every organization, across any industry. As all companies look to modernize and operate in the cloud, the demand for Robotic Process Automation (RPA) delivered as SaaS, or RPA as a service (RPAaaS), has gained mainstream momentum. RPA as a service is increasingly becoming the technology of choice for business leaders across the C-Suite and departments to transform how work is done drastically.

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Cybersecurity Services: Moving From Cyber Prevention To Cyber Resilience


Press Releases. Cybersecurity Services: Moving From Cyber Prevention To Cyber Resilience. Los Angeles, March, 2021. he pandemic is accelerating distributed service architectures, which is driving changes to the security landscape. Changes in working practices are exposing different attacks, altering the types and severity of threats an organization is exposed to.

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Global Hiring Guide for Startups

Grow your startup beyond borders and boundaries. Global expansion is the ultimate goal for many startup founders. However, to successfully enter new markets and grow internationally, you need a sound and scalable global recruitment strategy. In this eBook, you’ll discover how you can gain a competitive edge over your business rivals through the latest technology, harnessing global contractors, and using a global employment platform.

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Comparing the Online vs In-Person Customer Experience: A Personal Story

Blue Ocean

In this article, we share a first-person experience from our Vice President, Client Services, Susan Preiss. She explores the tale of two customer experience scenarios, comparing online versus in-person customer experiences in the quest to buy a new car. The takeaways for the world of customer care are tangible and actionable. Read on! Vehicle Shopping: A Family Affair.

Finance 52
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Customer Service Outsourcing Vs In-House Support Team: What Should You Choose?

Magellan Solutions

Which is Better Between Customer Service Outsourcing and In-House Support Team? Customer service outsourcing is a process wherein you are transferring the client support operation to a third-party company. This company can be near your business (nearshore) or outside the country you are operating (offshore). It becomes a trend for many global companies.

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Intelligent Automation Platform News

Automation Anywhere

Here at Automation Anywhere, we believe in the saying, “If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail.” We understand the importance of planning for our customers, which is why we’re excited to announce our latest release so that you can be prepared to take advantage of all of the new capabilities and features. Starting with a new name Enterprise A2019 is now called Automation 360.

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Comprehensive New Report Reveals How Companies Are Redefining Business Models And Reimagining Operations And Supply Chains


Press Releases. Avasant and NASSCOM’s report Digital Enterprises 2020-2021: A New Order Out of Chaos analyzes new drivers of change across customer behavior and workforce transformation. Los Angeles, March, 2021. Over the past few years, enterprises have been sailing the digital transformation voyage at their own pace. But due to the coronavirus, they were forced to accelerate their initiatives.

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The 2023 Supply Chain Crystal Ball: Challenges and Solutions

Speaker: Olivia Montgomery, Associate Principal Supply Chain Analyst

Curious to know how your peers are navigating ongoing disruption? The supply chain management techniques that dominated the last 30 years are no longer supporting consumer behavior or logistics and manufacturing capabilities. So what’s working now? What should your plans for 2023 include? By researching the supply chain challenges and solutions that businesses – especially small and midsize businesses – are currently experiencing, we’ve learned what’s working and what’s not.

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Business Travel Post-Brexit: Two Changes Companies Need to Know About

Velocity Global

Brexit has been a source of stress and confusion for British and European citizens since voters passed the referendum in 2016. Lawmakers in the United Kingdom (UK) and European Union (EU) spent years negotiating new rules around trade and immigration , leaving many issues unresolved until days before the Brexit transition period ended on December 31, 2020. .

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Philippines Telemarketing Lead Generation For B2B Partners

Magellan Solutions

Overview on lead generation services Philippines. Lead generation is among the most misunderstood marketing principles on the web. This, in turn, leads to a whole lot of wasted marketing dollars and wasted time. When generating leads, you have to know the type of customer you target matters. Customers are made up of your industry and brand. Marketing firms that deal with other businesses capture leads in different ways. .

Sales 52
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Software Development Outsourcing: A Complete Guide

3Pillar Global

In this comprehensive guide, we dive deep into the world of software development outsourcing. We look at the global outsourcing market, outsourcing models, geographies, strategies, and, yes—the impact of the COVID crisis. We’ll also walk you through the process of finding the right software development outsourcing partner and what you need to know before you commit to a provider.

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Unleashing The Potential Of Internet Of Things In The New Normal


Press Releases. Unleashing The Potential Of Internet Of Things In The New Normal. Los Angeles, March, 2021. The global pandemic has accelerated the push for IoT technology in many sectors including retail, manufacturing, and healthcare. New IoT use cases are leading to growth, especially in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Internet of Medical Things (IoMT).

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Building A Superstar Global Workforce: What We Aren’t Talking About Enough

Companies are turning inclusive by breaking conventional hiring practices and expanding their talent pools. But there are important questions that still are not being addressed. Read this eBook to understand how taking the following seriously can help you build a superstar global workforce: The importance of the new-age manager. Maintaining social capital.

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Understanding Digital Ecosystem using the principles of Natural Capitalism


Any product innovation responds to the demands of changing patterns of commerce. Certain transformations in the software ecosystem, from host-based computing to client-server computing to web-enabling to Software-as-a-Service and mobile computing, reflect such a response of technology to the changing needs of the environment, business, and lifestyle.

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Top Questions About Lead Generation Call Center Answered

Magellan Solutions

Internet’s Most Searched Questions About Lead Generation Call Center Answered. Lead generation call center helps in maintaining the businesses customer pipeline. As customer retention and good marketing is a great foundation of successful business. No matter what industry you are in, you can gain great benefits from lead generation campaign call centers. .

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A Strategy for Outsourcing Enterprise Software Development

3Pillar Global

Outsourcing software development projects is quickly becoming a critical part of any organization’s digital strategy. It’s not just about slashing costs by sending work overseas, it’s about accessing the best talent for the job, keeping pace with change, and nailing digital transformation on all fronts. Below, we’ll discuss what it takes to create an effective outsourcing strategy and what to consider as you start piecing together your plan.

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The Ultimate AP Automation Solution Checklist


Accounts payable automation is critical to helping businesses navigate difficult times.

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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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Establishing your business in Mexico


Territory data How to set up payroll in Mexico If. Read more. The post Establishing your business in Mexico appeared first on UnaTerra.

Payroll 52
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Metrics For Measuring Inbound Telemarketing Quality

Magellan Solutions

Inbound and outbound telemarketing with Magellan Solutions. Inbound and outbound telemarketing both generate customer interest. Here at Magellan Solutions, we handle both consumers and clients. Thus, we offer both telemarketing systems for both B2C and B2B. Some of the metrics that measure the quality of inbound contact center calls. First Contact Resolution (FCR).

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Analysis of Common Software Outsourcing Countries

3Pillar Global

Outsourcing software development comes with many benefits, ranging from cost savings and scalability to on-demand access to the world’s top development talent. Earlier in this series, we looked at different outsourcing models—nearshore, offshore, onshore—along with the pros and cons that come with each option. Here, we’ll take a closer look at the individual countries that more or less run the global outsourcing market and what you should know before you sign a contract with companies based in t

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Selecting the Right Vendor Management System in 2021

Vendor Management Systems (VMS) are commonly used across all industries to help streamline the management and procurement of various staffing services. Vendor management is embedded in how a company operates and interacts with its employees, frequently bringing together multiple services and solutions needed to optimize worker productivity.

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Top 7 Global Employment Challenges

The benefits of expanding internationally are endless, especially if you approach it the right way. However, there are pitfalls along the way that can slow down progress. Global expansion brings many opportunities for companies —business growth, brand-building in new markets, and access to diverse talent pools worldwide. However, international growth can come with challenges.

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Top Chosen Call Center Outsourcing Companies In The Philippines

Magellan Solutions

Top channel of communication for call center outsourcing . Customers prefer call centers over indirect platforms such as the usual product manuals, brochures and even chatbots. According to eConsultancy, the following are the customer preferences: 61% – Phone conversation. Directly talking over the phone with an agent is usually a better choice than other communication processes. .

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USA And The LPO Agency Industry

Magellan Solutions

The stance of legal process outsourcing usa. The United States justice system is the world’s most expensive. With this comes the fact that there are tons of tasks that the industry includes. Thus outsourcing is not entirely new to the US economy. So outsourcing legal jobs are no exception either. Work done is being outsourced to countries with lower business costs.

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More Of Our Outbound Telemarketing Services

Magellan Solutions

Different types of telemarketing that Magellan Solutions offer. Our outbound telemarketing service bridges the gap between you and your target markets. Small enterprises use this traditional way to grow their business. This direct interaction has proven effective. It allows telemarketers to ask questions. They also gather feedback. Lastly, they address any problems that may arise.

Service 52
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ECommerce Call Center Services: What Are The Trends This 2021?

Magellan Solutions

ECommerce Call Center Services: What Trend Should You Follow This 2021? Ecommerce call center services have become a necessity for business shifting to the online market. Although they still need a physical store for their products , businesses are thriving right now with ecommerce. The online platform changed the landscape of the customer’s shopping experience. .

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A Deep Dive Into Supply Chain Strategy: Why Yours Isn't Working

Speaker: Michelle Meyer, Founder and CEO of MatterProviders

Michelle Meyer is the Founder and CEO of MatterProviders, and a supply chain professional of over 30 years. Fortunately, she's here to walk you through the future of supply chain strategy and why your current approach is probably not working. In this exclusive webinar, she will explore ways to develop and perfect your new, innovative supply chain design in this post-pandemic era of economic uncertainty.