Sat.Jul 17, 2021 - Fri.Jul 23, 2021

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The Growth of Software Bots in Healthcare

Automation Anywhere

In the face of post-pandemic recovery, healthcare organizations need to clear a significant backlog of care and paperwork and do so within tight financial constraints. Intelligent automation, combining Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and artificial intelligence (AI), offers a solution to that challenge. Intelligent automation software bots can operate as a fourth type of worker, operating in harmony with the other three, permanent, pooled, and interim staff.

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6 Best Practices for Quality Assurance Testing for Web Applications


Before a product release, there is a critical step that no team should overlook: Quality assurance. Here at Unosquare, we understand the importance of QA and the elements of the testing strategy that can help you put your project on the path to success. Keep reading to find everything you need to know about QA testing and what steps you can take to create an application that meets quality standards.


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Public broadcasting in the wake of the OTT revolution. Will technology and data save culture?


For those channels that have understood that their survival depends on streaming and OTT, the battle is not only technological but also cultural. Very present in Europe, public broadcasters also want to make their voices heard and protect their free model while responding to the injunctions of economic balance from their shareholders – the states. It goes without saying that this is a systemic issue unmatched by any recent media revolution.

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Trends to Watch out in Digital Transformation


Eric Kimberling once said, “Digital Transformation really doesn’t have a lot to do with the digital part of the term but a lot more to do with the latter part, transformation.”. Today, digital transformation is often equated to business transformation, rightly given the circumstances. At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, even organizations that had not followed these footsteps, have immediately resorted to it after realizing the probable business-specific consequences.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Cloud-Native RPA Takes Off to Fuel Pandemic Recovery

Automation Anywhere

More than a year and a half after the pandemic began, three powerful trends are pushing cloud-native Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to the forefront of automation industry trends. First, the acceleration of RPA adoption continues. Research and Markets found that the RPA market was valued at more than $2 billion in 2020 and will have a very respectable compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 31.5% between 2021 to 2026.

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3 Signs You Should Be Offshoring Your Accounting Function

AS White Global

Running your business can take a toll on your resources, time, and you and your staff, when you’re on a growth trajectory. The different accounting functions – from payroll, accounts receivable, accounts payable, to budgets and strategies – can be difficult to juggle especially if you don’t have the updated industry tools and in-house accounting experts.

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Why International Retailers Should Use Chatbots


Customer service is a key element for retailers and professionals who work in e-commerce teams. Without appropriate resources, companies run the risk of losing loyal customers and negatively effecting brand reputation. For international retailers , offering customer service in the right language adds another layer of complexity—which is where chatbots come in.

Retail 95
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How RPA and Customer Service Data Drive Business Value

Automation Anywhere

You’re sitting on a goldmine of data. It’s data that could help you deliver better customer services, market better to existing customers and prospects, aid in enhancing existing products as well as new product design and development, stay on top of quality, and ultimately improve your business's bottom line by boosting the overall customer experiences.

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Starting Your RPA Journey with an RPA Pilot

V-Soft Consulting

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) bots are exceptionally efficient at mimicking human behavior in performing repetitive, rules-based tasks ranging from copying and pasting texts to logging into applications and uploading documents and far more complex tasks when used with other advanced technologies. RPA creates flexibility, scalability, and control which in turn leads to better accuracy, reduced cost and greater customer satisfaction.

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How Project Managers can Stay Important in Agile Organizations


Defining Agile Project Management. Agile project management is an iterative approach to accomplishing a project from start to finish. This means that a project is broken down into measurable iterations, or incremental steps, to be completed by specific deadlines throughout the project’s life cycle.

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Global Hiring Guide for Startups

Grow your startup beyond borders and boundaries. Global expansion is the ultimate goal for many startup founders. However, to successfully enter new markets and grow internationally, you need a sound and scalable global recruitment strategy. In this eBook, you’ll discover how you can gain a competitive edge over your business rivals through the latest technology, harnessing global contractors, and using a global employment platform.

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Who needs high-code developers? Citizen development is here for Financial Services


If it is properly controlled and governed, citizen development can solve the desperate shortage of dev resources. Picture this: your people have a great idea to accelerate how you deliver on new business requirements. All you need to make it happen is some professional developers. Easy, right? Unfortunately, not. Finding highly skilled developers in the current marketplace is a challenge for every enterprise and in every vertical.

Service 85
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Data Security When Offshoring – How to Ensure Compliance

AS White Global

In 2020, there was a total of 1,051 documented data breaches by the Australian Information Commission. Between July and December alone, there were 539 breaches, almost a 20% increase from the same period in 2019. 58% of these data breaches were criminal attacks, whilst 38% were human error-related. And the industries most affected by these data breaches were healthcare, finance and education. .

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What is Hyperautomation? How it Works, Tools and Applications

V-Soft Consulting

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has become a leading technology and is being increasingly adopted by both small and large enterprises. RPA bots performing repetitive, rules-based, and labor-intensive work have increased organizations' productivity and cut down on costs. But, RPA has largely been implemented for specific processes and many other processes are still carried out manually.

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Creating a Sports Club Based on the IT Company Model


The post Creating a Sports Club Based on the IT Company Model appeared first on Nearshore Software Development Company in Ukraine - VILMATE.

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The 2023 Supply Chain Crystal Ball: Challenges and Solutions

Speaker: Olivia Montgomery, Associate Principal Supply Chain Analyst

Curious to know how your peers are navigating ongoing disruption? The supply chain management techniques that dominated the last 30 years are no longer supporting consumer behavior or logistics and manufacturing capabilities. So what’s working now? What should your plans for 2023 include? By researching the supply chain challenges and solutions that businesses – especially small and midsize businesses – are currently experiencing, we’ve learned what’s working and what’s not.

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Infographic: Use Data Analytics to Improve Call Center Performance


Today’s customers expect value-driven, tailored, contextual and sympathetic experiences across their preferred channels. While businesses need to learn how to achieve high customer satisfaction, they are continuously challenged by the need to adapt communication channels that assist them to improve customer service while streamlining internal procedures.

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The Hackett Group, Inc. invites you to participate in the 2021 Second Quarter Earnings Conference Call on Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The Hackett Group

The Hackett Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: HCKT) today announced that it will release financial results for the second quarter ended July 2, 2021 on Tuesday, August 10, 2021 after the close of regular market hours. . . Following the release, the senior management will discuss second quarter results in a conference call at 5:00 P.M. ET. . The number for the conference call is (800) 593-0486, [Passcode: Second Quarter].

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How to Accelerate a Reliable Supply Chain the Systems Science Way

Intelligent Management Inc.

No matter what a company does, it is inevitably part of a supply chain. It receives inputs and has to transform these inputs into something to pass on to a customer reliably. It’s an ongoing process, and like every process it can be improved. Today change is happening fast, threatening the survival of companies that can’t keep up. How can companies accelerate what they transform and supply?

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Global employment companies: Their role in international talent mobility


A well-implemented global employment company can be a useful strategy for international expansion. The ability to mobilise talent around the world is essential to the growth and expansion strategy of companies.

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Building A Superstar Global Workforce: What We Aren’t Talking About Enough

Companies are turning inclusive by breaking conventional hiring practices and expanding their talent pools. But there are important questions that still are not being addressed. Read this eBook to understand how taking the following seriously can help you build a superstar global workforce: The importance of the new-age manager. Maintaining social capital.

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Lean IT: Data driven steering of IT Organizations


In new (agile) as well as hybrid (bimodal) IT Organizations we’re facing a lot of common misconceptions about organizational steering: “We are agile, we don’t need steering metrics” is just one of them, but by far the most common. Especially agile collaboration methods – such as ‘scrum’ – are designed to measure constantly the performance of a team in order to be able to adjust the team structure or the workload if the performance changes unfavorably.

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Eclaro's Impact Sourcing - Changing Lives Through Education


Eclaro is thrilled to be highlighted in the summer edition of IAOP's PULSE Magazine - showcasing our Impact Sourcing program. Check it out here - [link]. We're excited to be associated with the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals and are always looking for opportunities to increase participation in our Impact Sourcing program.

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The ultimate guide to building a team of offshore developers

The Scalers

CONTENTS Offshore software development: a sustainable long-term solution Why should you hire offshore developers for your business? Lower operating costs Access to massive talent pools An opportunity to scale at speed Addressing the common concerns about offshore development Quality Security Culture Hiring offshore developers: where to start? Vetting an offshore development partner Look at their work history Ask real questions Evaluate their approach to communication Finding the right offshore d

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The 6 Most Popular Asian Languages for Doing Modern Business


Language is a gateway into a variety of business opportunities and connections. If you’re interested in breaking into Asian markets, here are some of the most popular Asian languages for business, ranked by Akorbi. Related post: Akorbi Explains the World’s Oldest Languages Still In Use Today. Mandarin. Mandarin is the most widely spoken language in China and is considered by many to be the business language of the future.

Service 54
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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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3 Ways to Incorporate Mindfulness into Your Workday


"Recall that in a line six inches long, there are infinite numbers of points, and in a line one inch long there are just as many. Well, then, how many moments are there in fifteen minutes, or five, or ten, or forty-five? It turns out we have plenty of time, if we are willing to hold any moments at all in awareness.". -- Jon Kabat-Zinn, “ Wherever You Go, There You Are ”.

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Independent Contractor Misclassification: Is Canada Less Strict Than the U.S.?

Velocity Global

Some Canadian employers believe the risks of independent contractor misclassification are more severe for companies in the U.S. than in their home country. However, history proves that Canadian labor authorities are not afraid to crack down on companies that misclassify their talent—and levy serious consequences toward offenders. . Read on to discover three examples that illustrate the importance of independent contractor compliance for Canadian employers. .

Sales 52
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What Makes Telemarketing Philippines Unique From Other Countries?

Magellan Solutions

Let’s take a look at why many businesses trust telemarketing Philippines to work and nurture their prospect clients. Telemarketing Philippines is one of the most misunderstood processes in the whole BPO industry. . Many business owners think that calling in a high volume is the most effective solution in generating more leads for their business. In this article, we will give some of the unique characteristics that makes outbound telemarketing services Philippines the best in the world : Filipino

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What Asian Markets Should You Invest In For Growing a Target Audience?


Before selecting a target market for global expansion, companies should do their due diligence to zero in on the most fertile markets: those that are ripe with growth and opportunity. If you and your organization want to invest in Asian markets and expand your target audience, here’s where you should look to grow. And don’t worry, Akorbi can help you tackle any language barriers you may encounter.

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Top 7 Global Employment Challenges

The benefits of expanding internationally are endless, especially if you approach it the right way. However, there are pitfalls along the way that can slow down progress. Global expansion brings many opportunities for companies —business growth, brand-building in new markets, and access to diverse talent pools worldwide. However, international growth can come with challenges.

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Employee retention vs. the great resignation


Image: Type: Podcast Episodes Podcast Embed Code: HTML Override Type: Content Enable Social: Topics: Employee Experience Body: As a record number of employees leave their positions in search of more fulfilling work, better pay, or other reasons, employee retention is more important than ever. Heather Younger, CEO and founder of Employee Fanatix, an employee engagement, leadership development, and consulting firm explains what employers can do to drive employee loyalty—and what pushes workers awa

Jobbing 52
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We All Follow A Procurement Cycle


We All Follow A Procurement Cycle. We all make personal purchases of goods and services throughout our lives. First, we identify exactly what we wish to purchase and we then, often subconsciously, consider what’s going to deliver best value for us, this might be based on cost, or quality or something totally different. Once we’ve done this, we’ll usually compare different suppliers to see which one gives us best value and if possible, negotiate on the price before going ahead and making the purc

Finance 52
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Mexico Manufacturing Solutions: Benefiting from a Specialized Workforce


There’s been a shift taking place over the past several years that has caused an increasing number of U.S. and other foreign companies to set their sights on Mexico manufacturing solutions as a way to expand production. The trade conflict between the U.S. and China and the COVID-19 pandemic are two significant factors that have created a greater sense of urgency to explore this option.

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Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Automation Consulting


Few technologies or developments in the last decade have had as sweeping an effect on modern business as artificial intelligence and automation. Neither of the two concepts is new. Automation and AI have been in use in businesses and organizations for at least the last sixty years. However, advancements in AI and automation have transformed the two processes into new, nearly unrecognizable products.

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A Deep Dive Into Supply Chain Strategy: Why Yours Isn't Working

Speaker: Michelle Meyer, Founder and CEO of MatterProviders

Michelle Meyer is the Founder and CEO of MatterProviders, and a supply chain professional of over 30 years. Fortunately, she's here to walk you through the future of supply chain strategy and why your current approach is probably not working. In this exclusive webinar, she will explore ways to develop and perfect your new, innovative supply chain design in this post-pandemic era of economic uncertainty.