March, 2021

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Why U.S. Call Centers Should Have Bilingual Agents


The Call Center has become the primary tool for achieving success in the current economic environment of the 21 st century in the United States; having personal, agents, management, and administrative staff, who are bilingual bring significant benefits to your operation and customer satisfaction through the leverage of a bilingual call center operation.

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Breaking Down the RPA Scalability Wall for Financial Services

Automation Anywhere

The financial services industry has always been an early adopter of technology to enhance the efficiency of operations and customer satisfaction. In the 1960s, banks introduced ATMs. In the 1970s, electronic card-based payments arrived. With the new millennium came 24/7 online banking and then mobile banking. Not long afterward, financial institutions began implementing rule-based Robotic Process Automation (RPA) on a limited scale to handle repetitive, structured processes.

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Side Hustlers! Don’t Forget to Pay Your Small Business Taxes


Did you make extra money using your skills and experience on the side in 2020? Tax season is here. Did you remember to make estimated tax payments? Are you aware of all the tax deductions for your side hustle? According to the IRS, gig-workers, freelancers, or people with a side hustle are self-employed. Extra income earned may require additional tax payments throughout the year, otherwise known as estimated tax payments.

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Call Center Guidelines

Worldwide Call Centers

Six Call Center Outsourcing Guidelines Call Center Outsourcing can be a great move for your business – or a painful mistake if done incorrectly. Here are some guidelines that will help ensure that outsourcing to an external call center service is successful for your company: 1.) Find A Real Partner When outsourcing to an external […]. The post Call Center Guidelines appeared first on WCC Home.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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What Is Shop Floor Control and How Does it Drive ROI?


Body. Shop Floor Control (SFC) is a set of software and tools used to track, schedule and report on the progress of work in a manufacturing plant. Shop Floor Control systems, such as the recently updated BlueCherry ® Shop Floor Control Enterprise edition , generally evaluate the portion of an order or operation that has been completed. That percentage of work in process is useful for resource planning, inventory evaluations [1] and supervisor/operator productivity on a shop floor.

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Why Software Quality Assurance is Important


Quality assurance is a vital part of the software creation process. It's what ensures that the final product meets all requirements. Here at Unosquare, we work with across multiple software development lifecycle processes with our diverse client base around the world. What is consistent across each project is that quality assurance involved at each stage, from planning through support and maintenance.

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Take the “Work” Out of HR Paperwork

Automation Anywhere

Among the many myths floating around about human resources, the most popular one is HR only focuses on hiring the workforce and retaining them. Contrary to this belief, HR in an organization is also responsible for managing the workforce data administration. And part of that responsibility includes employee data entry, time-off administration, yearly tax form generation, and more.

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8 Factors to Consider Before Choosing an Outsourcing Company

Future of Digital Sourcing Outsourcing

8 Factors to Consider Before Choosing an Outsourcing Company. Related news: Top 7 Reasons Why You Should Outsource a Software Project From being a startup to a scale-up, businesses today have the advantage of cutting-edge technology and a diverse talent pool to realize their vision. But when growth is happening at a faster pace and wider scale than expected, there’s a danger for some companies to fall behind.

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Call Center Rates

Worldwide Call Centers

Warning: Below Market Call Center Rates An International call center agency proposes a rate that is several dollars below every other agency in that country. Sounds great, right?? Not necessarily! Here are the reasons to stay away from any agency that presents a below market call center rate: Loss Leader Some newer International call centers will provide […].

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Why You Should Work for a Nearshoring Company

Jonajo Blog

So you started working from home and never want to go back into the office? Have you found that you don’t miss the commute, the strict schedule or all of the distractions of an office? Well if you want to make the transition to working from home a permanent part of your life I can let you in on a little secret. Some of us have been working from home for years.

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Global Hiring Guide for Startups

Grow your startup beyond borders and boundaries. Global expansion is the ultimate goal for many startup founders. However, to successfully enter new markets and grow internationally, you need a sound and scalable global recruitment strategy. In this eBook, you’ll discover how you can gain a competitive edge over your business rivals through the latest technology, harnessing global contractors, and using a global employment platform.

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Risk Managers Getting Coffee: Episode 1

Risk Guide

Season 1, Episode 1: Alexander Larsen meets with Gregory Irgin in the UAE to share experiences and insights. In this series of Risk Managers Getting Coffee, we’ll be meeting with seven Risk Managers to gain insight into their risk experiences, areas of expertise and to learn more about risk management in the country they work in. In this first episode, Alexander Larsen met Gregory Irgin in the UAE.

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Benefits of Omnichannel Customer Support


There is a way to keep clients engaged and loyal through every interaction; this includes a highly focused detail on the service provided, which can be easily achieved through omnichannel customer service. It is no secret that 90% of clients have consistent channels while 75% of online customers expect assistance within 5 minutes [1] ; these numbers put it upfront that integrating omnichannel customer support in your business is a game-changer.

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Intelligent Automation in the Federal Government: What, When, and How?

Automation Anywhere

We increasingly get requests from federal agencies to help them add intelligence—artificial intelligence (AI), that is—to their Robotic Process Automation (RPA) software bots. They are excited about their core RPA installations and happy with all the productivity, efficiency, and cost benefits they’ve accrued. But although they can do a lot with traditional RPA using its built-in rules and logic, they want to do more.

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Blind interviews and voice bias

Talent Management Strategy

How much attention do you pay to voice when you think of a leader or when you hear a speaker? I cut my teeth on old school telephone interviewing so can confirm that voice definitely plays a role in the assessment of someone. Voices are an integral part of our identity and we can all… The post Blind interviews and voice bias appeared first on Dorothy Dalton.

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The 2023 Supply Chain Crystal Ball: Challenges and Solutions

Speaker: Olivia Montgomery, Associate Principal Supply Chain Analyst

Curious to know how your peers are navigating ongoing disruption? The supply chain management techniques that dominated the last 30 years are no longer supporting consumer behavior or logistics and manufacturing capabilities. So what’s working now? What should your plans for 2023 include? By researching the supply chain challenges and solutions that businesses – especially small and midsize businesses – are currently experiencing, we’ve learned what’s working and what’s not.

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Open Access BPO named top BPO company

OpenAccess BPO

WASHINGTON DC, March 1, 2021 - Open Access BPO has been recognized as one of the best business process outsourcing (BPO) companies and a top voice service provider in the recent Clutch Leader Awards 2021. Market research and B2B review agency Clutch named Open Access BPO in its Top BPO Companies list, having […]. The post Open Access BPO named top BPO company appeared first on Open Access BPO.

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4 P2P Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them?

Future of Digital Sourcing Outsourcing

4 P2P Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them?. Related news: Strategies to Drive Procurement Compliance and Manage Rogue Spend Searching and evaluating the right Procure-to-Pay (P2P) software can be a daunting and sometimes frustrating task. Whether you are an experienced procurement professional with years of category expertise and have spent long hours within your ERP and P2P platform, or you are scouting for the right platform for your company for the first time, knowing what you need is vital.

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Hiring a Call Center

Worldwide Call Centers

Seven Tips for Hiring a Call Center Agency Outsourcing to a Call Center Agency can be a great move for your business…or a painful mistake if done incorrectly. Therefore, here are some tips to make sure that call center outsourcing is successful for your company: 1.) Get Out In Front – Don’t wait until you need help. Your call […]. The post Hiring a Call Center appeared first on WCC Home.

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4 Ways Retail Businesses Can Benefit From Hiring a Call Center for Customer Service


As the world continues to move on through the Covid-19 period, some constants cannot be ignored; the use of call center customer service has become a critical factor in winning the battle to stay at the top of relevancy. A retail business can leverage the right partner to ensure that customers continue returning through the mere handling of their interaction with an agent and ensure that the sale is always closed at the end of the day.

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Building A Superstar Global Workforce: What We Aren’t Talking About Enough

Companies are turning inclusive by breaking conventional hiring practices and expanding their talent pools. But there are important questions that still are not being addressed. Read this eBook to understand how taking the following seriously can help you build a superstar global workforce: The importance of the new-age manager. Maintaining social capital.

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Overcoming the Barriers of RPA Implementation

Automation Anywhere

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) continues to be a top trend. Just ask industry watchers and technology decision-makers across industries and the globe. Grand View Research foresees the RPA market to show a compound annual growth rate of (CAGR) of 40.6% between 2020 and 2027. When it comes to RPA users, in a recent survey, 63% of technology decision-makers stated their organization is deploying or actively scaling RPA.

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Keeping the world moving: Disruptive innovation speeds change for transportation and logistics


The mishap in the Suez Canal demonstrated just how important transportation and logistics is to the global economy. The post Keeping the world moving: Disruptive innovation speeds change for transportation and logistics appeared first on The Hyland Blog.

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The Basics of Web Design

Jonajo Blog

In the modern world a well designed website can make a significant difference in brand recognition, sales and customer retention. As ecommerce rises in popularity it is becoming more and more evident that a website is the modern storefront. See our article on ecommerce to understand the full weight of it. If a website is crucial to your business’s success then the question arises: what is a well designed website?

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Solve the Biggest Challenges in Invoice Processing with AP Automation


Processing supplier invoices has never been easy. But it is harder for many accounts payable departments now that their staff works remotely.

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Reshoring – The Future of Supply Chains

Speaker: Rosemary Coates - Board Member & Founder at Reshoring Institute, Best-selling Author, Host of the Frictionless Supply Chain podcast

Supply chain disruptions create uncertainty and unpredictability for both businesses and consumers. These disruptions bring to light an organization's supply chain dependencies, which they were often unaware of when everything was running smoothly. Re-shoring is one solution that is gaining popularity as a result of pandemic-related issues. Companies can lower the risk of disruptions by shortening the supply chain and moving manufacturing close to the points of sale to reduce the need for expens

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These Five Countries Lead the Worldwide Vaccine Rollout

Velocity Global

The COVID-19 pandemic prompted scientists worldwide to drive one of the fastest vaccine development campaigns in history. Now, with the approval of multiple vaccines, countries around the world race to secure and distribute them. Nearly 550 million doses have been administered across the globe in just under four months since doctors provided the first shots to healthcare workers in New York.

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Why Tijuana the Best Option for Nearshore [INFOGRAPHIC]


Tijuana is the fourth largest city in Mexico, sharing the largest land border in the world with the United States and California, with an approximate crossing of 120,000 vehicles, 63,000 pedestrians and 6,000 trucks per day. Large Recruitment Pool. With a rapidly growing population, colleges offer English as a Second Language as a requirement for graduation and technical education focused on providing world recognized customer service.

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Bridge the Business-Technology Gap for Successful Automations

Automation Anywhere

Even the most successful automations can begin with obstacles to overcome, especially when users have different perspectives and levels of technical expertise. Automation projects primarily involve two groups of users: business and technical. Business users deal with processes, understand operational issues, and can benefit from automation. Yet, most of them are not technical, and if you ask them about their barriers, they respond “lack of automation knowledge and lack of technical skills.

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Consider This Before Selling Your C-Corp Stock


Sometimes, just for fun, we tax accountants love to quiz each other—and today you get a peek into our legendary sense of humor! So pop quiz…what do IRC Sections 1202 and 368(a)(1)(F) have in common? The answer—both of these tax code sections might save you some serious cash if you’re planning to sell your C-corp stock. The gist of section 1202. When you sell the stock of a C-corp, for more than you originally paid for it, you have a capital gain.

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Addressing the Global Talent War

Speaker: Jason Ciment - Get Visible | Mark Wald - SPRCHRGR | Leo Gestetner - Thankz | Michael S. Kraus - Expak Logistics

Remote work has helped future-proof organizations and increased their flexibility. However, sourcing candidates nationally poses new challenges and is proving difficult. The global sourcing industry seems to be in a state of war. DEI, attracting qualified candidates, and physical demographics are just a few of the issues that organizations face. Many companies are failing to win in this new landscape due to the intersectionality of problems in global sourcing.

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The Real-World Pied Piper Of The “New Internet”


Join us on LinkedIn - Facebook - Twitter - Google Plus. by Tatiana Koffman Syntropy, a company building the “new Internet,” announced that Shawn Hakl, former SVP at Verizon VZ +0.3%and 5G strategist for Microsoft, and Roman Pacewicz, former Chief Product Officer at AT&T T +0.4%, will be joining the company’s advisory board, alongside internet pioneer Bill Norton, who became Syntropy team as co-founder in 2019.

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Can Tracking Employee Ethnicity Data Close the Ethnic Pay Pap?


Events in 2020 pushed the conversation around race and ethnicity to the forefront with unprecedented force. While there were many calls to action, one that resonated with many was the call for greater representation in senior management. Disappointed with the pace of change, one group, Change the Race: Ratio , has set targets for greater racial and ethnic diversity at executive levels and argues that the lack of ethnic diversity in business costs the UK £24bn a year in lost GDP.

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Navigating Data Bias

3Pillar Global

In the late 1970s, our military changed its scheduled maintenance approach to an on-demand philosophy. This lowered the lifecycle costs of many kinds of assets (including land, sea and air vehicles), and it allowed for spending our tax dollars on smarter maintenance activities rather than unnecessary repairs. As the program rolled out, the Air Force was initially skeptical when a young UCLA engineer informed them that the data they had sequestered for predictive failure analysis had a blind spot

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Best Call Center Outsourcing Companies in USA

Magellan Solutions

What Are The Best Call Center Outsourcing Companies in USA For Your Business? There are a lot of companies outside the country that offer call center services. However, it is hard to look for call center outsourcing companies in USA. It is because of the high labor fee in local call center agents. The estimated cost in outsourcing in a US company is $22 – $35.

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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.