Sat.Sep 18, 2021 - Fri.Sep 24, 2021

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Offshore Software Development Services

Groove Technology

With tech startups mushrooming like never before, industry experts predict there will be more than a million software companies in the world within the next 10 years. Nearly 50% of these businesses are tightly concentrated in Western European and American cities. Competition is at an all-time high, operating costs are rising, and talent is increasingly scarce.

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Crisis-Driven Innovation Demands Creativity And Action Under Pressure

Forrester Digital Transformation

In my latest report Fuel Your Future Fit Innovation Strategy By Learning From Crises, I share what we learnt from innovation during the pandemic. I offer recommendations for how this can be sustained as we face future uncertainty. The pandemic has shown that a crisis can act as a catalyst for innovation, removing entrenched orthodoxies […].


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Never Stop Trying

The Global Small Business Blog

©2021 Laurel J. Delaney. All rights reserved. "Never stop trying. Never stop believing. Never give up. Your day will come." – Mandy Hale.

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5 RPA Trends to Watch in the Federal Government

Automation Anywhere

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is already entrenched in the federal government and continues to grow in importance. Organizations are using a variety of RPA solutions, from basic, rule-based technology for simple tasks to advanced RPA. The latter form combines machine learning and artificial intelligence, which can include the analysis capabilities of automatic process discovery and process analytics as well as cognitive technologies such as computer vision, natural language processing, and fu

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Buying into a more sustainable value chain

McKinsey and Company

Two-thirds of the average company’s environment, social, and governance footprint lies with suppliers. Procurement leaders who take bold action can make a decisive difference in sustainability.

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Promoting Responsibility, Compliance, And Good Judgment Without Fear, Shame, Or Acrimony

Forrester Digital Transformation

I’m very excited to announce my latest research, “Successfully Influencing Employee Cybersecurity Behavior” – Forrester clients can access here. Excited may not be the right word exactly, as this report was born out of disappointment I started feeling when hearing of security leaders and teams implementing disciplinary sanctions for employees who fail phishing simulations, those […].

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How does Microsoft’s Business Central empower ISVs with a quintessential platform strategy?


A step closer to our vision “We believe every software product will be part of a platform ecosystem, and software expertise will become key to success in the digital world.” This is coMakeIT’s vision statement in which many years ago, we predicted the shift from products to platforms in the software ecosystem. The trend, further accelerated by the pandemic is also evident in the recent shifting of some older Microsoft products to their Digital Operating Platform, D365 Business Central.

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Ordering in: The rapid evolution of food delivery

McKinsey and Company

Succeeding in the fast-growing food-delivery ecosystem will require understanding how overlapping economic forces affect a complex web of stakeholders.

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Want To Set An Achievable Number For 2022? Don’t Skimp On Annual Sales Planning

Forrester Digital Transformation

When sales leaders and the sales org are laser-focused on hitting their year-end numbers, it can be hard to give proper mindshare to annual planning. Yet a thorough planning process is critical to success.

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Healthcare Patient Experience: Why Digital Can Only Take Your Healthcare Organization So Far

Perficient Digital Transformation

In the first blog article of this series I wrote about my own recent healthcare journey. After undergoing lifesaving lung surgery, there I was: in a hospital bed, grateful to be alive and recently off my ventilator — shades of the film “Alien” if you’ve never had the pleasure. And all I had on my hands was time. Time to think. Time to observe. (Also, time to despise urinal bottles.).

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Global Hiring Guide for Startups

Grow your startup beyond borders and boundaries. Global expansion is the ultimate goal for many startup founders. However, to successfully enter new markets and grow internationally, you need a sound and scalable global recruitment strategy. In this eBook, you’ll discover how you can gain a competitive edge over your business rivals through the latest technology, harnessing global contractors, and using a global employment platform.

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Is Automation the Soul of Outsourcing? An Analysis!


We have observed for decades that business process outsourcing has always been a routine for every organizations? effective performance. However, with a paradigm shift in business routine and tenure, RPA (Robotic Process Automation) took over the outsourcing functions. RPA revolutionized the business system by helping companies serve automated functions to the customers.

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The rise of digital marketing in medtech

McKinsey and Company

Digital marketing offers medtech companies powerful ways to personalize engagement with healthcare professionals and respond to their changing needs.

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Which AI skills are most in demand?


Source: iStock/Andy. Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming societies and economies. It enhances the speed, efficiency and precision of human efforts and is being adopted across most industries. However, according to a survey by the European Commission , businesses feel that access to the right skill sets is the biggest impediment to adopting AI.

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How to Calculate Call Center Shrinkage (and 6 Ways to Manage it!)


What do your call center agents do while at work? Yes, they answer customer calls. But there’s more to the job than that. They also: Take part in meetings Complete training Mentor and coach new employees Go on breaks. All these activities are necessary. But they still take away from the time agents could spend taking calls. The time spent on these activities is called shrinkage.

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The 2023 Supply Chain Crystal Ball: Challenges and Solutions

Speaker: Olivia Montgomery, Associate Principal Supply Chain Analyst

Curious to know how your peers are navigating ongoing disruption? The supply chain management techniques that dominated the last 30 years are no longer supporting consumer behavior or logistics and manufacturing capabilities. So what’s working now? What should your plans for 2023 include? By researching the supply chain challenges and solutions that businesses – especially small and midsize businesses – are currently experiencing, we’ve learned what’s working and what’s not.

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How Call Center Monitoring Benefits Customers?


Call center monitoring is a process applied to all businesses working for either receiving customer calls or dealing with responses. It is the process of tracking the performance of call center agents so that the business keeps a check on quality service. Every call center business knows the importance of an uplifted performance of business agents and therefore a check to ensure excellent results to customers is essential.

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Moving beyond agile to become a software innovator

McKinsey and Company

Companies need to borrow a page from the tech industry’s playbook to understand how to use agile to build better products and experiences.

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Liem Bui: Passion for Work and Advocacy

AS White Global

At ASW, we appreciate employees who are keen to improve their skills, collaborate well with their colleagues, and even find time to do advocacy work. Liem does this in spades. We had a chat with Liem to talk about his contribution to ASW and to his community. Hi Liem, can you share with us a bit about yourself? I’m Liem Bui and I’m a web developer for Soy Digital , ASW’s full-service digital marketing agency.

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7 Useful Tips For Using E-Commerce Customer Service Outsourcing To Get Ahead Of Your Competition

Mattsen Kumar

Digital natives see technology as an essential component of their everyday lives. The turning to the internet and e-commerce websites for fast satisfaction to replace grocery runs or to get an answer has been ever increasing. As a result, e-commerce websites are exploding in popularity. It is safe to say that the struggle for consumer attention has shifted to the internet.

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Building A Superstar Global Workforce: What We Aren’t Talking About Enough

Companies are turning inclusive by breaking conventional hiring practices and expanding their talent pools. But there are important questions that still are not being addressed. Read this eBook to understand how taking the following seriously can help you build a superstar global workforce: The importance of the new-age manager. Maintaining social capital.

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Tips to Setup Your Call Center Start-Up.


Customer support is an integral part of every business and any compromise to it is unbearable. Big companies generally opt to have their customer support service in-house, however, small call center businesses that do not have a huge capital to invest, mostly opt customer support outsourcing. Even big companies today look to outsource their customer support as performing all functions in-house can be a challenging and tedious task.

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The new marketing model for growth: How CPGs can crack the code

McKinsey and Company

A sophisticated, predictive, and customized new marketing agenda is enabling CPG marketers to fulfill their new growth mandate. Here are the key ingredients.

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6 Ways Lead Generation Services Helps You Get a Better Return on Investment

Magellan Solutions

Wondering how Lead Generation Services can help your company’s bottomline? We got some answers! Do you find it difficult to meet your development targets? Have you fallen into the referral trap, where the majority of your development is based on referrals? . If that’s the case, you’re not alone. It’s not a good idea to rely solely on referrals for new business.

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3 Steps to building a net zero workforce with a sustainability academy


“Of course, I am OK to help our clients make more sustainable choices, but that is not what they expect of us, and I don’t feel equipped to have this kind of conversation with them.” Sound familiar? This kind of objection should resonate with anyone who has embarked on the transition to net zero. One thing is clear, given the magnitude of the transformation needed to meet ambitious sustainability targets, there is no way a company can achieve its environmental commitments without a program to en

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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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Ways RPA is a Charismatic Game Changer for BPOs!


RPA (Robotic Process Automation), a blessing for the BPO industry! The use of RPA in today's? world is a boon for all business process outsourcing companies. RPA helps businesses bring cost-effective solutions and automation helps in delivering threat free outputs to customers. What is this business threat all about? Well, BPO outsourcing requires handing over some crucial customer data to the partners and here is whe.

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C2C e-commerce: Could a new business model sell more old goods?

McKinsey and Company

Like other e-commerce but with less fanfare, C2C trade has expanded during the COVID-19 crisis alongside demand for recycled goods. A new business model could support still stronger growth.

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Outsource Telesales Reemergence Amidst Online Digital Marketing Noise

Magellan Solutions

Leverage outsource telesales to improve your online digital marketing efforts. To go digital has become the mantra of most businesses. Thus they amp up their marketing and sales efforts online, which is the practice of online digital marketing. However, outsource telesales is still a key strategy to ensure your sales pipeline is full. While it is true that online digital marketing is a great strategy to get leads, to ditch your B2B or B2C telecalling marketing strategies is not smart either.

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Top RPA Implementation Challenges

V-Soft Consulting

Businesses of all industries are implementing RPA solutions at a rapid pace to help speed operations and automate repetitive, manual tasks with more accuracy and efficiency. With this hot technology taking ground, some organizations are unfortunately implementing without a proper RPA roadmap and are not considering the challenges that may arise along the way, resulting in failed implementations and undesirable results.

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Top 7 Global Employment Challenges

The benefits of expanding internationally are endless, especially if you approach it the right way. However, there are pitfalls along the way that can slow down progress. Global expansion brings many opportunities for companies —business growth, brand-building in new markets, and access to diverse talent pools worldwide. However, international growth can come with challenges.

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Cloud Computing Services: Is this the new BPO Style?


Cloud computing is a model that helps businesses get a virtual platform for computational services. Cloud is a cost-effective model, which helps businesses save their operational expense over constructing new infrastructure and hiring a team of experts. Indulging the model will help call center India to bring excelling results in future! Defining more simply, the cloud is the use of various business services over the internet where s.

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How many people are really needed in a transformation?

McKinsey and Company

Deciding how many employees to involve in an organization’s transformation shouldn’t be a guessing game. New research can help.

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How Cold Email Compliments Cold Calling Service

Magellan Solutions

Sending cold emails compliments your cold calling service strategy and how to max out its potential. A lot of people still consider cold calling service as intrusive and a breach of privacy. While C-level executives and decision-makers expect to receive tons of cold calls, that doesn’t mean they are not tired of it. However, such a scenario does not render cold calling service ineffective to gain warmer leads and successful sales. .

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Combining In-House & Remote Teams: Finding the Right Balance


In 2020, everyone was talking about finding the best way to make remote teams work. Now, the conversation seems to have shifted towards a hybrid business model. While people are feeling safe enough to start gathering in person again, it doesn’t seem likely that companies will be able to revert back to the “old” ways quite so quickly. This begs the question: Is it possible to combine in-house and remote teams effectively?

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A Deep Dive Into Supply Chain Strategy: Why Yours Isn't Working

Speaker: Michelle Meyer, Founder and CEO of MatterProviders

Michelle Meyer is the Founder and CEO of MatterProviders, and a supply chain professional of over 30 years. Fortunately, she's here to walk you through the future of supply chain strategy and why your current approach is probably not working. In this exclusive webinar, she will explore ways to develop and perfect your new, innovative supply chain design in this post-pandemic era of economic uncertainty.