Sat.Jul 31, 2021 - Fri.Aug 06, 2021

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Retraining: Why You Should Have Started Yesterday

Automation Anywhere

Deloitte calls them “superteams.” A combination of people and intelligent software robots (“bots”) that together, the teams tackle business challenges, provide insight, and deliver real value to enterprises. This is the true vision for intelligent Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Deloitte argues—augmenting existing workforces with tools to drive competitive, agile edges in difficult markets.

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Understanding complexities in managing Cross Border Payroll


Payroll departments operate at the intersection of Finance and HR functions. While in some organizations, payroll aligns closely with HR, in others, they report directly to their heads of finance. The payroll team is responsible for accurately executing payments for one of the largest expense overheads in any organization, namely employee salaries and wages.

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Trends in Banking and Finance | MicroSourcing


When COVID-19 quickly evolved from an emerging disease in China in late 2019 to a full-blown global pandemic a few months later, the banking and finance industry could have been forgiven for thinking: “Here we go again.” Having not long recovered from the fiscal nightmare of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008-10, executives were bracing for another economic tsunami as borders closed, communities went into lockdown and the term ‘social distancing’ was added to the dictionary.

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New Employee Spotlight: José Carlos de Sousa Junior


Today, in this Employee Spotlight, I am speaking with José Carlos de Sousa Junior , our new Brazil Payroll Manager. José is based in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and joined Immedis in May. So, José , tell us a little about yourself. I’m a 34-year-old graduate of International Relations. I also have a Masters in Finance, Innovation & Entrepreneurship.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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“Now & Next: The State of RPA”—Your Guide to the Cloud-Native Era

Automation Anywhere

Data from our latest Now & Next report shows a dramatic move to the cloud. The pandemic may have accelerated the move, but the world was trending this way even before COVID-19 hit. The reasons are obvious: cloud offers business resiliency, flexibility, and cost savings, and it eliminates the capital expense and the operating expense—not to mention the human resources—required to support infrastructure for on-premises systems.

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Democratizing Automation With Low Code/No Code


Conversation between Nischay Mittal, Principal & Global Head – Automation/AI, Zinnov; Vansh Kukreja, Project Lead – Automation/AI, Zinnov; Anudeep Gill, Consultant, Zinnov and Omid Aslani, Director Product Management, Kofax. Low Code/No Code (LC/NC) platforms are providing high scalability, performance, security, and integration across enterprise applications and are rapidly catalyzing the democratization of Automation.

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Meet the V-Soft Team at Evolve 2021!

V-Soft Consulting

As a founding member of the AI Innovation Consortium (AIIC), V-Soft is excited to share we are a Presenting Sponsor for the upcoming Evolve 2021 conference , hosted at the University of Houston College of Technology in Sugar Land Texas on Thursday, August 12th and Friday, August 13th. As the event gets closer, get to know the experts at V-Soft who will share the experiences and insights with artificial intelligence at the event.

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4 Ways to Reimagine Processes While Automating

Automation Anywhere

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is not a question of taking a manual process and automating it, step by step—although that is what many businesses do. There should almost always be some transformation involved—changes that make the process more efficient, more robust, less error-prone. Businesses themselves say they want this. According to one recent survey , almost six in 10 (59%) of organizations say that they will start deploying RPA within the next few years.

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Wind energy in Brazil breaks records and creates jobs


Source: JFDIORIO/Shutterstock. Good winds are blowing strong in northeastern Brazil and the sector has accumulated record power generation. This has helped to reduce the consequences of the water crisis currently facing the country — due to the dry rains — and also to stimulate the economic recovery, creating jobs. Brazil occupies seventh place in the global ranking of the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) with 19GW of installed capacity.

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RAYA CX Receives Recognition for Excellence from IAOP

Raya Contact Center

RAYA Customer Experience has received Recognition for Excellence in Strategic Partnerships from IAOP. This official recognition represents the quality of support and guidance that RAYA CX provides to its customers. The IAOP (International Association of Outsourcing Professionals) awarded the recognition in response to RAYA CX’s innovative assistance to an international retail chain.

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Global Hiring Guide for Startups

Grow your startup beyond borders and boundaries. Global expansion is the ultimate goal for many startup founders. However, to successfully enter new markets and grow internationally, you need a sound and scalable global recruitment strategy. In this eBook, you’ll discover how you can gain a competitive edge over your business rivals through the latest technology, harnessing global contractors, and using a global employment platform.

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6 Industries Benefiting from Augmented Reality Today

V-Soft Consulting

As technology advances, many tools which would otherwise be considered science fiction in the recent past have become ubiquitous today. Augmented reality (AR) is one such technology that seemed “surreal” initially until practical applications for consumer products as well as tools for various industries started to become commonplace. Augmented reality in industries such as manufacturing, oil and gas and healthcare can vastly improve outcomes.

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Why Cloud Backup Storage in AWS Enhances Your Business Continuity


As digitization accelerates in the aftermath of the pandemic, traditional backup strategies like tape libraries and secondary sites can’t keep up with the explosive growth of critical enterprise data. Instead, more and more businesses are turning to Amazon backup storage for highly scalable, efficient data protection in the cloud – achieving fast, reliable data recovery while cutting costs and freeing IT staff to concentrate on strategy and innovation.

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Velocity Global hires tech operations leader Eric Schroeder as Chief Operating Officer

Velocity Global

DENVER, August 4, 2021 —. Former Uber executive to lead operations in support of the company’s global work platform. Velocity Global, the leading provider of global employment solutions, added technology operations veteran Eric Schroeder as chief operating officer. Schroeder applies two decades of operations leadership to support clients, their distributed workforces, and scale Velocity Global’s worldwide team.

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An evolutionary history of enterprise data architectures

IBM Services

There’s an evolutionary paradox that biologists and geneticists have observed multiple times in nature when two nearly-identical species inhabit separate, geographically distant regions. A good example is the species pair of Hodgson’s Frogmouth and Sri Lanka Frogmouth, who inhabit two different corners of India respectively. Often, the situation came about because climatic change fragmented what was once a continuous habitat into multiple ecosystems, and the species embarked upon evolutionarily

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The 2023 Supply Chain Crystal Ball: Challenges and Solutions

Speaker: Olivia Montgomery, Associate Principal Supply Chain Analyst

Curious to know how your peers are navigating ongoing disruption? The supply chain management techniques that dominated the last 30 years are no longer supporting consumer behavior or logistics and manufacturing capabilities. So what’s working now? What should your plans for 2023 include? By researching the supply chain challenges and solutions that businesses – especially small and midsize businesses – are currently experiencing, we’ve learned what’s working and what’s not.

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Attended vs Unattended RPA: Comparing Benefits and Use Cases

V-Soft Consulting

Almost every industry is harnessing the power of Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Enterprises have been adopting RPA to automate repetitive front and back-office tasks. RPA bots interact with numerous software applications to execute tasks at the user interface level without altering the existing applications. Based on the business need, RPA bots operate in two models: Attended and Unattended.

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Outsourcing: What is the Agile Software Development Process?


Every development process must go through a methodology to ensure workability of the product and achieve a positive end result. One methodology that Bydrec employs is what is known as and referred to as agile project management or agile scrum. Agile methodology has experienced its genesis in the software development world. When learning about agile project management and how to create a process for it, typically on a document that workers may refer to, it is important to understand that this pro

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Top 4 dominated future technology trends of InsurTech


Reading Time: 3 minutes. How InsurTech Paves a Pathway to Improved Efficiency and Customer Experiences. Insurtech, a word that refers to technology designed to improve efficiency within the insurance industry, has been accelerating for years. Now, most modern insurance companies agree that improving their technology is a key component of their future success, but that doesn’t mean reaching that future will be simple or easy. .

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How Long Does It Take to Process an Invoice?


One of the most common questions I'm asked by accounts payable professionals is: "How long should it take my department to process an invoice?".

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Building A Superstar Global Workforce: What We Aren’t Talking About Enough

Companies are turning inclusive by breaking conventional hiring practices and expanding their talent pools. But there are important questions that still are not being addressed. Read this eBook to understand how taking the following seriously can help you build a superstar global workforce: The importance of the new-age manager. Maintaining social capital.

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How ServiceNow Predictive AIOps Proactively Ensures IT Infrastructure Health

V-Soft Consulting

In today’s digital world, businesses are actively expanding their IT infrastructure and deploying digital solutions to stay competitive. This drastic upsurge has positioned IT departments as fundamental assets to success. It’s also led to IT services and operations management becoming more complex to match the rapid progression. Due to data silos and disparate tools with no proper integration, IT teams are finding themselves monitoring the health of IT infrastructure to achieve better operationa

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Best Practices for Localizing Video Transcripts for Translation Services


Video localization is essential for any organization because it enables companies to expand their reach and be relevant in a specific target market. However, it’s often a challenging endeavor. At Akorbi , we are well-versed in this area of expertise. There are a few best practices to stick to that will help make the process a smoother one. Let’s briefly review.

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The Road to a Diversified BPO Workplace

OpenAccess BPO

Multiculturalism is an indelible part of Open Access BPO’s daily operations. Our global offices in the Philippines, China, Taiwan, and the US house multilingual talents from different backgrounds. We embrace diversity and commit to empowering our employees, regardless of religion, culture, age, abilities and disabilities, and gender identity. Whether it’s on Pride month or not, […].

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Three Ways an Employer of Record Improves Your Employee Experience

Velocity Global

It’s harder than ever for HR teams to hold onto talent. Employees left their jobs at a record pace in Q2 of 2021, and data suggests the upheaval will continue. In the face of high turnover, companies focus on providing an optimal employee experience to keep their people happy and engaged—and prevent them from looking for work elsewhere. . What Is Employee Experience and Why Is It Important?

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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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What Has Magellan Solutions Contributed In Terms Of BPO LPO?

Magellan Solutions

Every firm needs the best legal outsourcing services. Running a law firm means going through tons of paperwork every single day. It is a time-consuming process for lawyers whose time and energy are needed more by their clients. . Outsourcing your legal process to Magellan Solutions may benefit you and give your law firm a competitive edge. . Our legal outsourcing services have been there for almost two decades.

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Back office vs. front office: boost productivity between both offices


An organisation’s front and back office functions are fundamental to any great customer experience. That’s why it’s critical to keep both front and back office operations running smoothly and effectively. Yet, in many businesses, there is often some overlap and confusion over what defines the roles of a front office and back office, making it difficult to prioritise an area for greater efficiency and productivity.

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What Is Procurement And Why Is It Important For SME’s?


What Is Procurement and Why Is It Important For SME's? Every company, everywhere in the world is doing it. It’s the opposite to customer sales as its’ where the company is the customer being sold to. It’s been an important part of most larger companies for many years and its playing an increasingly important role in SMEs businesses. Even though it happens on a daily basis, the purchase and management of goods and services is often overlooked by many SMEs as it just happens when it needs to.

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Leadership of a Sustainable Business – a Systems Science View

Intelligent Management Inc.

A leader is somebody who has a theory; somebody who “owns” a body of knowledge that backs his claims that they can accomplish a transformation within their span of control. That transformation must be one of system optimization as a prerequisite for innovation; one in which competition is replaced by cooperation, where performances are managed using appropriate statistical thinking and not assessed deterministically, where teamwork is fostered and not the ranking of individuals.

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Top 7 Global Employment Challenges

The benefits of expanding internationally are endless, especially if you approach it the right way. However, there are pitfalls along the way that can slow down progress. Global expansion brings many opportunities for companies —business growth, brand-building in new markets, and access to diverse talent pools worldwide. However, international growth can come with challenges.

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Salesforce And Its RPA Waltz – Is There Space On The Automation Dance Floor?


By Nischay Mittal, Principal & Global Head – Automation/AI, Zinnov. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has been a key player in the digital transformation journeys of enterprises globally. More and more companies are increasing their investments in Hyper Intelligent Automation, which has led to RPA undergoing significant evolution since its inception.

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10 Essential and Uncommon Services SMEs Don’t Have That BPO Philippines Can Provide

Magellan Solutions

These are the 10 most important services for start-up businesses that BPO Philippines can provide. A few years back, BPO Philippines was just the destination for inbound and outbound call centers. It is because of communication and interpersonal skills for Filipino agents. But now, many companies that outsource to Philippines also have their eyes on their non-voice services.

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IT Help Desk Burnout: What to Do When Your Agents are Overworked

Global Help Desk Services

“I think I’ve hit my limit.”. “I hate the stress of this job when things don’t go right, and feel like I’m never appreciated.”. “ Between the stupid people, the angry people and the rude people, it all just starts feeling trivial and beneath you. You eventually stop caring.”. How are your help desk agents doing? You might not know it, but some of them may have hit their limit as well.

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5 Ways To Provide IT Support To Your Remote Workforce

Outsource Workers

Businesses and companies have implemented and tried their best to adjust to the ‘new normal,’ which is to work from home. However, like any new thing that’s abruptly being applied, it causes some sort of a culture shock to the organization as a whole. Business operations are meddled with new requirements of systems, policies, and methods. One of the apparent changes that businesses should adhere to is to provide IT support to their remote workforce.

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A Deep Dive Into Supply Chain Strategy: Why Yours Isn't Working

Speaker: Michelle Meyer, Founder and CEO of MatterProviders

Michelle Meyer is the Founder and CEO of MatterProviders, and a supply chain professional of over 30 years. Fortunately, she's here to walk you through the future of supply chain strategy and why your current approach is probably not working. In this exclusive webinar, she will explore ways to develop and perfect your new, innovative supply chain design in this post-pandemic era of economic uncertainty.