February, 2024

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BPO vs BPM: Which Outsourcing Strategy is Right for Your Business?

Offshore India Data Entry

When it comes to outsourcing business processes, companies often choose between business process outsourcing (BPO) and business process management (BPM). While both involve outsourcing tasks to third-party providers, BPO and BPM have important distinctions in their approaches. In this article, we’ll explore the differences between BPO vs BPM and how to determine which strategy is best for your organization.

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Today in Global Small Business: Global Small Businesses Need Financial Services, Not Charity

The Global Small Business Blog

©iStock/FeelPic What's affecting me, my clients, my colleagues and other global small business owners: Global small businesses need financial services , not charity. Today’s small businesses face extraordinary multi-layered challenges on local, state, national and global levels. Here's why. China holds the key to speeding up debt relief and ending the “silent crisis” that is holding back attempts to tackle poverty in the world’s poorest countries, a senior World Bank official has said.

Service 211

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Global Growth Stronger Than Expected in 2024

The Global Small Business Blog

©iStock/Galeanu Mihai According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), global growth is stronger than expected and will be 3.1% in 2024, the same as in 2023, as the US and emerging economies have shown resilience to previous crises, with strong consumption driving the growth. The IMF has increased its previous forecast by 0.2%, in its latest World Economic Outlook report, factoring in upgrades for China, the United States, and large developing economies.

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Reasons to outsource accounting and bookkeeping services


On the first day of 2024, Financial Executives International (FEI) shared a disturbing statistic with its members – more than 300,000 accountants and auditors had left their positions during the past two years 1. The sun had barely risen on the new year and the collective of chief financial officers, chief accounting officers, treasurers and tax executives had received another stark reminder of the pressures confronting businesses of all shapes and sizes.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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4 smart technologies modernizing sourcing strategy

IBM Services

Sourcing is getting smarter. To start, many organizations have already pivoted from a tactical to a strategic sourcing mindset—which can make all the difference when it comes to gaining and retaining a competitive advantage. Why? Because organizations with strategic sourcing mindsets look beyond price and cost savings-centered supplier selection initiatives.

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10 Reasons Why You Need 24/7 Support Service In 2024

31 West

In today’s competitive business landscape, the focus is on providing customer-centric solutions. Identifying your clients’ needs, putting them first, and ensuring that your goals align with their requirements are some key factors that can help establish your brand. As your business scales, your customers will demand a 24/7 support service that provides real-time assistance when needed.

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More Trending

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Head to Head: Mark Hillary interviews IBA Group CEO, Sergei Levteev

Intelligent Sourcing

One of our partners, IBA Group, celebrated their 30th birthday last year. It’s always fascinating to learn from the people who used to work with computers that occupied several floors of a building and who continue to be at the forefront of technology development and what we can expect in the near future. The IBA […] The post Head to Head: Mark Hillary interviews IBA Group CEO, Sergei Levteev appeared first on Intelligent Sourcing.

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Have You Heard of Poland's Blik?

The Global Small Business Blog

©iStock/PIKSEL Poland's Blik is one of many homegrown mobile payment service providers (PSPs) that have become integral to commerce in the countries they were launched. As local PSPs become more popular, relying strictly on global PSPs is no longer enough for businesses expanding to new geographies. They must address payment localization to build trust with customers and avoid losing sales.

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Legal Data Entry Outsourcing: 5 Key Benefits For Legal Firms

Offshore India Data Entry

With over 1 million new legal cases filed every year, legal firms face an overwhelming amount of documentation to process. According to the American Bar Association, attorneys spend on average 16% of their time on administrative tasks like manual data entry. This time-sink not only reduces productivity but leaves room for costly errors – up to 22% of legal data entry contains inaccuracies.

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How Meta’s Llama 3 will impact the future of AI

IBM Services

In January of 2024, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced in an Instagram video that Meta AI had recently begun training Llama 3. This latest generation of the LLaMa family of large language models (LLMs) follows the Llama 1 models (originally stylized as “LLaMA”) released in February 2023 and Llama 2 models released in July. Though specific details (like model sizes or multimodal capabilities) have not yet been announced, Zuckerberg indicated Meta’s intent to continue to open sou

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Global Hiring Guide for Startups

Grow your startup beyond borders and boundaries. Global expansion is the ultimate goal for many startup founders. However, to successfully enter new markets and grow internationally, you need a sound and scalable global recruitment strategy. In this eBook, you’ll discover how you can gain a competitive edge over your business rivals through the latest technology, harnessing global contractors, and using a global employment platform.

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Customer Happiness Recipe: The Perfect Blend of CX Ingredients

Raya Contact Center

Creating a delightful customer experience is like crafting a mouthwatering recipe that leaves a lasting impression. Just as a chef carefully selects and combines ingredients to create a culinary masterpiece, businesses must curate the perfect blend of elements to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty. So, let’s explore the recipe for customer experience that ensures you keep your customers happy and loyal.

Design 105
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Do You Have An Enterprise Data Strategy?

Perficient Digital Transformation

This time of year, I like to talk about updating the data strategy for the new year to include new business goals and new technology and in doing so I sometimes forget that there are still many companies that do not have a data strategy to update. What is a Data Strategy and why do I need one? Most organizations have multiple data management initiatives underway including master data management, data governance, data migration, data modernization, OLTP operational data cleanup, data ingestion, a

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What Happens if You File Taxes Late


Every year, right around the beginning of April, many people ask: “What happens if you file taxes late?” Filing your taxes after the deadline can bring serious consequences, including monetary penalties and the increased risk of an audit. If you’re worried you can’t make the deadline this year, don’t panic. In this article, we’ll outline the penalties and steps you can take to avoid or reduce them.

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What's Next For Evergrande's Creditors and What Their Collapse Means for Global Business

The Global Small Business Blog

©iStock/LewisTsePuiLung A Hong Kong court on recently ordered the liquidation of Evergrande, the heavily indebted Chinese property giant. The decision comes two years after the company defaulted, setting off a financial crisis at other developers and adding to the challenges facing the world’s second-largest economy. The company’s dissolution raises questions about fairness for overseas creditors — which could have wider implications for foreign businesses operating in China.

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The 2023 Supply Chain Crystal Ball: Challenges and Solutions

Speaker: Olivia Montgomery, Associate Principal Supply Chain Analyst

Curious to know how your peers are navigating ongoing disruption? The supply chain management techniques that dominated the last 30 years are no longer supporting consumer behavior or logistics and manufacturing capabilities. So what’s working now? What should your plans for 2023 include? By researching the supply chain challenges and solutions that businesses – especially small and midsize businesses – are currently experiencing, we’ve learned what’s working and what’s not.

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How Businesses Benefit from ServiceNow and MuleSoft Integration

V-Soft Consulting

For the past two decades ServiceNow has been a leading cloud computing platform helping enterprises improve efficiency and speed. By replacing unstructured workflows with the new intelligent workflows, it helps organizations streamline their processes and operations. From IT Service Management (ITSM), IT Operations Management (ITOM) to Strategic Portfolio Management (SPM), ServiceNow provides comprehensive solutions for most of your organizational needs.

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Generative AI use cases for the enterprise

IBM Services

Remember how cool it felt when you first held a smartphone in your hand? The compact design and touch-based interactivity seemed like a leap into the future. Before long, smartphones became a way of life for organizations worldwide because of all they offer for business productivity and communication. Generative AI ( artificial intelligence ) promises a similar leap in productivity and the emergence of new modes of working and creating.

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The 13 Biggest Mergers and Acquisitions

Global Expansion

It’s estimated that 49,849 mergers and acquisitions took place in 2019 , ranging from huge multinational arrangements to smaller regional deals. Whatever the size or scale, financial transactions of this kind are always complicated and fragile at the best of times.

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Zigs & Zags – The Opposite of a Great Idea Can Also be a Great Idea

Perficient Digital Transformation

I get a lot of enjoyment from the creative and innovative side of the work I do. Helping clients or my teams break out of the day-to-day and explore the unexpected. I’ve discussed innovation myths before and how to use lateral thinking to expand your pool of ideas in unexpected ways. One of my favorite aspects is seeing how random great ideas can be!

Marketing 116
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Building A Superstar Global Workforce: What We Aren’t Talking About Enough

Companies are turning inclusive by breaking conventional hiring practices and expanding their talent pools. But there are important questions that still are not being addressed. Read this eBook to understand how taking the following seriously can help you build a superstar global workforce: The importance of the new-age manager. Maintaining social capital.

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IAOP Names Transparent BPO a Top 100 Global Outsourcing Provider for 2024

Transparent BPO Outsourcing

Award continues recognition of Transparent BPO as one of the world’s best outsourcing services providers Transparent BPO, a leading nearshore, and offshore contact center solutions provider is pleased to announce the company’s selection for The 2024 Global Outsourcing 100® by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals® (IAOP®). The Global Outsourcing 100, now in its eighteenth year, is a prestigious […] The post IAOP Names Transparent BPO a Top 100 Global Outsourcing Provid

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My Heart Beats Differently When I'm in Chicago

The Global Small Business Blog

©2024 Laurel J. Delaney. All right reserved. "It’s one of the greatest cities on the planet. My heart beats differently when I’m in Chicago. It slows down and I feel more at ease.

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Top Technology Trends for ServiceNow to Watch Out in 2024

V-Soft Consulting

Technological advancements are ramping up year over year, and businesses must adopt them to remain competitive. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and many automation algorithms are now the driving forces behind digital workflows. ServiceNow (NOW) has also become a revolutionary platform in advancing technology and the digital landscape.

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Climate change predictions: Anticipating and adapting to a warming world

IBM Services

In an era of accelerating climate change , predicting the near-future can yield major benefits. For instance, when utility officials are aware that a heat wave is on its way, they can plan energy procurement to prevent power outages. When farmers in drought-prone regions are able to predict which crops are susceptible to failure , they can deploy additional irrigation.

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Reshoring – The Future of Supply Chains

Speaker: Rosemary Coates - Board Member & Founder at Reshoring Institute, Best-selling Author, Host of the Frictionless Supply Chain podcast

Supply chain disruptions create uncertainty and unpredictability for both businesses and consumers. These disruptions bring to light an organization's supply chain dependencies, which they were often unaware of when everything was running smoothly. Re-shoring is one solution that is gaining popularity as a result of pandemic-related issues. Companies can lower the risk of disruptions by shortening the supply chain and moving manufacturing close to the points of sale to reduce the need for expens

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Revolutionizing Contact Centers: Key Findings and Strategies for Success

Working Solutions Outsourcing

Working Solutions partnered with CCW Digital to sponsor a comprehensive market study that sheds light on the future of contact centers, revealing key insights that will shape the industry moving forward. Let’s delve into the findings and explore actionable recommendations to enhance your contact center operations.

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Perficient’s Thoughts on use of GenAI in Commerce Solutions

Perficient Digital Transformation

Revolutionizing B2C Commerce: The Impact of Generative AI In the dynamic landscape of commerce and consumer-driven markets, Business-to-Consumer (B2C) organizations are increasingly turning to generative AI to revolutionize their operations and enhance customer experiences. Generative AI, a subset of artificial intelligence, empowers these organizations to create content, personalize interactions, and optimize various aspects of their business processes.

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The US Is Opting For Healthcare Call Center Outsourcing Companies – Here’s Why

Magellan Solutions

In recent years, the US healthcare industry has significantly increased its reliance on healthcare call center outsourcing companies to enhance patient care and operational efficiency. With rising costs and complex regulations overwhelming healthcare providers, partnering with overseas business process outsourcing (BPO) companies has become a strategic necessity.

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The One and Only Web Globalization Report Card 2024 by John Yunker

The Global Small Business Blog

©iStock/metamorworks I've been a fan of John Yunker's for more than two decades. No one knows web globalization like John does. He's the expert of all so-called experts on this topic. Check out some past post about John here. The exciting news is that he is finishing up his latest popular report card, " The Web Globalization Report Card 2024 ," available in two weeks.

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Addressing the Global Talent War

Speaker: Jason Ciment - Get Visible | Mark Wald - SPRCHRGR | Leo Gestetner - Thankz | Michael S. Kraus - Expak Logistics

Remote work has helped future-proof organizations and increased their flexibility. However, sourcing candidates nationally poses new challenges and is proving difficult. The global sourcing industry seems to be in a state of war. DEI, attracting qualified candidates, and physical demographics are just a few of the issues that organizations face. Many companies are failing to win in this new landscape due to the intersectionality of problems in global sourcing.

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How Cloud Management Can Benefit IT Staffing

V-Soft Consulting

IT staffing has become a critical component of organizational success. The industry has been booming and has a great future ahead. However, managing IT infrastructure can be challenging, especially for businesses with limited IT resources. Therefore, cloud computing has emerged as a significant change for organizations seeking to streamline their IT operations and reduce costs.

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Building trust in the government with responsible generative AI implementation

IBM Services

At the end of 2023, a survey conducted by the IBM® Institute for Business Value (IBV) found that respondents believe government leaders often overestimate the public’s trust in them. They also found that, while the public is still wary about new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), most people are in favor of government adoption of generative AI.

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Bookkeeping vs. Accounting: What’s the Difference?


You might wonder how bookkeeping vs. accounting differs when managing a business’s accounting. While they are overlapping disciplines, there are some key differences. Bookkeepers are chiefly responsible for accurately recording and organizing transactions, while accountants add value by synthesizing that information into actionable insights and financial projections.

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Salesforce: A Growth Mindset for 2024 and Beyond

Perficient Digital Transformation

We’re in Our #GrowthEra It’s a new year, and with that, there is always change. One of those changes is that I’m now leading Perficient’s Salesforce business unit as the Managing Director. I’ve had the opportunity to work in the Salesforce ecosystem for 8+ years with top-notch talent. Our team continues to do amazing work for our clients, maximizing the value they’ve invested in the Salesforce platform, bringing innovation to life, and driving business outcomes.

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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.