October, 2021

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Everything Shortage

The Global Small Business Blog

©iStock/dorian2013 Disruptions in global supply chains have generated the phrase "everything shortage." But US imports are at record levels at some ports, and Americans are breaking shopping records, too. Supply-chain professionals plan to alleviate the backlog container by container. What's up? Yet claims that the country is running short on everything miss a key point.

Sales 305
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The Three Principles of Sustainable Transformation

Forrester Digital Transformation

Becoming an environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable business demands a profound and fundamental change. Like digital transformation before it, you can’t just bolt it on. Traditional firms willing to start their multiyear transformation journey toward sustainability must embrace the three principles of sustainable transformation.


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BigCommerce vs Shopify: The never-ending battle of evolution

Groove Technology

Along with the continuous technological improvement of humankind, participating in eCommerce is no stranger to any business in the transition to multi-industry digitization on a world scale. The eCommerce market is booming, and individuals, companies and organizations want an online store to connect with customers/end users. Starting an eCommerce business also means facing every new trend that seems to be a basic necessity and high expectations from eCommerce platforms.

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Solving the net-zero equation: Nine requirements for a more orderly transition

McKinsey and Company

Net-zero commitments are rising, but the net-zero equation is not yet solved. This can only change if nine interdependent requirements are met with singular resolve, unity, and ingenuity.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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The Post-Pandemic “Great Resignation”: How RPA Can Help

Automation Anywhere

You’ve heard through the office grapevine that employees are discontent, disengaged, burnt-out? Worried that a significant number of them are preparing to walk? You’re not alone. More than 15 million U.S. workers have left their jobs since April, and 40% of employees asked in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and Singapore are “somewhat likely” to quit in the next three to six months, according to McKinsey.

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Genesis Healthcare System Wins 2021 Acquia Engage Award

Perficient Digital Transformation

We are thrilled to announce that Perficient and Genesis Healthcare System have been selected as a 2021 Acquia Engage Award winner in the Best of Both World’s Category. Winners were chosen by a panel of judges that evaluated based on functionality, integration, performance, and overall experience. Our project won the following award: . “Best of Both Worlds: We want to recognize organizations making the most of both Marketing Cloud and Drupal Cloud.

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Prévisions 2022 : Expérience Client

Forrester Digital Transformation

En?2022, les marques se tourneront vers leurs équipes Expérience Client (CX) pour mieux naviguer dans le sillage tourmenté de la pandémie, s'adapter à la «?nouvelle normalité?» et gérer les attentes et les émotions des clients autour d'enjeux aussi variés que l'accélération et la saturation numériques, le développement durable et la confidentialité. .

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5 Tips for Effectively Managing an Outsourcing Software Development

Groove Technology

Nowadays, more and more companies choose outsourcing software development for their business needs. With perks like reduced costs, easier access to talent, and potentially faster time to plug, it’s no surprise that outsourcing is gaining traction. A number of the extra benefits of outsourced projects are that it allows specializing in the core business, resolving capacity issues, and improving the service quality.

Software 246
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Closing the gender and race gaps in North American financial services

McKinsey and Company

An updated view into gender and racial diversity in financial services—as well as women’s day-to-day work experiences—reveals some progress. But challenges in building an equitable and inclusive workplace persist.

Service 143
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Improve the Agent Desktop with Automation

Automation Anywhere

With the advent of the pandemic, more people started shopping and conducting business online from the comfort and safety of their homes. That shift has increased the importance of contact centers as the new face of business. Contact centers have become the first line of services and, sometimes, the only interaction a customer has with a business, elevating the centers’ role in retaining customers and growing revenue.

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Global Hiring Guide for Startups

Grow your startup beyond borders and boundaries. Global expansion is the ultimate goal for many startup founders. However, to successfully enter new markets and grow internationally, you need a sound and scalable global recruitment strategy. In this eBook, you’ll discover how you can gain a competitive edge over your business rivals through the latest technology, harnessing global contractors, and using a global employment platform.

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Does your team see the big picture?

Perficient Digital Transformation

If I were to ask one of your team members “what are you building?”, what are they more likely to answer? I’m adding a couple of check boxes to the “Subscriptions” page. I’m working on a feature that allows us to learn how and when a customer wants to hear from us. This will allow us to send them timely, targeted messages.

Sales 124
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Do You Need to Think Small To Succeed?

The Global Small Business Blog

©iStock/wildpixel No way! After all, this blog is about going big and going big involves going global. Executive creative director of IMA Simon Long says: “Long ideas start to shape marketing post Covid-19. Seeing the world as consumers do, they don’t just last – they live. Designed to successfully balance short-term demands with long-term strategies.

Design 221
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When Systemic Risks Collide: Why Supply Chain Issues Are The New Normal

Forrester Digital Transformation

Before March of 2020, “supply chain issues” was a term we’d hear after a natural disaster or labor strike – that all ended the moment we ran out of toilet paper. Unquestionably, the supply chain crisis has been a secondary theme of the pandemic, one that continues to escalate. For the 15 months since the […].

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Groove Technology has officially become a Microsoft Gold Partner

Groove Technology

On September 24th, 2021, Groove Technology officially became?a?Microsoft Gold Partner?in application development and?integration. After?a?rigorous?evaluation?process, we have been recognized as a?Microsoft?Gold Partner?in? Vietnam , ?Hong?Kong ?and? Australia.?This achievement marked an important milestone in our technical expertise and capability to deliver the highest standard products to our customers.

Software 246
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The 2023 Supply Chain Crystal Ball: Challenges and Solutions

Speaker: Olivia Montgomery, Associate Principal Supply Chain Analyst

Curious to know how your peers are navigating ongoing disruption? The supply chain management techniques that dominated the last 30 years are no longer supporting consumer behavior or logistics and manufacturing capabilities. So what’s working now? What should your plans for 2023 include? By researching the supply chain challenges and solutions that businesses – especially small and midsize businesses – are currently experiencing, we’ve learned what’s working and what’s not.

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Can Japan finally become a start-up power?

McKinsey and Company

Long viewed as a relative laggard, Japan’s start-up ecosystem is beginning to come into its own. Investor Paul McInerney sheds light on the evolving environment for entrepreneurs.

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Good Governance Makes Data the Asset It Should Be


Is a hacker haunting your future? Or is your data dilemma more like a recurring headache? Data shouldn’t be a challenge. It’s an asset that should work for you. Two-point-five quintillion bytes of data are generated online daily, according to SaaS Scout Research Group. Data is the meta product of every sale. With each transaction, […]. The post Good Governance Makes Data the Asset It Should Be appeared first on.orgSource.

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Megan Glasow Shows Passion for her Work, Colleagues, and Community

Perficient Digital Transformation

At Perficient, you have the power to make an individual difference and a collective impact on the world.?You will?work with professionals, strategists, engineers, designers, and developers who roll up their sleeves and dive in to help our clients, our?communities, and one another.?. Megan Glasow , a director on the Salesforce team based in Fargo, ND, is a wonderful example of someone who uses her passion and drive to support her team, fellow Perficient colleagues, and the local Fargo community.

Jobbing 122
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It Was a Beautiful Day

The Global Small Business Blog

©2021 Laurel J. Delaney. All rights reserved. "To say it was a beautiful day would not begin to explain it. It was that day when the end of summer intersects perfectly with the start of fall." – Ann Patchett.

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Building A Superstar Global Workforce: What We Aren’t Talking About Enough

Companies are turning inclusive by breaking conventional hiring practices and expanding their talent pools. But there are important questions that still are not being addressed. Read this eBook to understand how taking the following seriously can help you build a superstar global workforce: The importance of the new-age manager. Maintaining social capital.

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Predictions 2022: This Is A Year To Be Bold

Forrester Digital Transformation

Forrester predicts more change in 2022 across CX, EX, technology, and marketing. Get a sneak peek at five of Forrester's 2022 predictions, and then download our guide to help inform your 2022 strategy.

Marketing 246
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Globalization Benefits and Challenges

Velocity Global

Globalization is an established part of the modern world, so most of us do not realize the benefits it brings to our everyday lives—such as easy access to a variety of different cuisines or new technologies developed by countries half a world away. Even though globalization makes our lives better, it does bring some challenges as companies start to grow and expand across borders.

Payroll 119
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Lessons from the rapidly evolving regulation of digital banking

McKinsey and Company

Regulators seeking ways to balance protection of customers’ interests, financial institutions’ risks, and their other policy objectives for digital banking can learn from early regulatory experiences.

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What Is Economic Order Quantity?

Planergy Software

What Is Economic Order Quantity? Economic order quantity refers to the number of units a company needs to have in their inventory with every order to minimize their overall cost of inventory. Otherwise known as the EOQ, this figure is used as a part of reviewing the inventory system. The level of inventory is constantly monitored and a fixed quantity is ordered every time the inventory level reaches the specific reorder point.

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Reshoring – The Future of Supply Chains

Speaker: Rosemary Coates - Board Member & Founder at Reshoring Institute, Best-selling Author, Host of the Frictionless Supply Chain podcast

Supply chain disruptions create uncertainty and unpredictability for both businesses and consumers. These disruptions bring to light an organization's supply chain dependencies, which they were often unaware of when everything was running smoothly. Re-shoring is one solution that is gaining popularity as a result of pandemic-related issues. Companies can lower the risk of disruptions by shortening the supply chain and moving manufacturing close to the points of sale to reduce the need for expens

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Perficient Listed in Forrester Now Tech: Data Management Service Providers, Q4 2021

Perficient Digital Transformation

Data plays an essential role in today’s digital economy and keeping up with modern data management processes is key to staying competitive. In fact, enterprises with advanced data practices are more productive, innovate faster, are able to enter new markets quickly, and are more likely to be directly monetizing their data compared to their less-mature peers.

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Product Retouching and Its Benefits in eCommerce Business

Offshore India Data Entry

Every image can tell a story about something. In other words, images are the simplest but sharpest tools to pierce into the heart of every viewer. No wonder they are getting used to capture the attention of consumers. It is a skill to make the product images attractive enough to catch the eye, where image retouching services can find a lot of help. It is high time to know about the benefits of product retouching in a business when digital media has revolutionized the modes of production, distrib

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Choosing The Right Services Provider Can Make Or Break Your Digital Customer Experience Success

Forrester Digital Transformation

A great digital experience starts with the basics: a strategy for omnichannel engagement; great design; personalized, yet trustworthy, experiences; and, of course, the technology and operations to support it. But to differentiate your company’s digital presence, you will also need to be creative in your approaches and solutions. Partners are key to that effort, particularly […].

Service 246
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What is human augmentation and what does it mean for industry?


Source: Frame Stock Footage/Shutterstock. Investment in human augmentation technology is growing fast. It is unanimous: we are in the middle of a new revolution in the technology industry. Apparently, the human augmentation market will be worth approximately 400 billion dollars by 2027, according to Report Ocean. And that shows a huge increase since 2020.

Sourcing 115
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Addressing the Global Talent War

Speaker: Jason Ciment - Get Visible | Mark Wald - SPRCHRGR | Leo Gestetner - Thankz | Michael S. Kraus - Expak Logistics

Remote work has helped future-proof organizations and increased their flexibility. However, sourcing candidates nationally poses new challenges and is proving difficult. The global sourcing industry seems to be in a state of war. DEI, attracting qualified candidates, and physical demographics are just a few of the issues that organizations face. Many companies are failing to win in this new landscape due to the intersectionality of problems in global sourcing.

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CBDC and stablecoins: Early coexistence on an uncertain road

McKinsey and Company

With the rapid rise in circulation of stablecoins over the past couple of years, central banks have stepped up efforts to explore their own stable digital currencies.

Banking 138
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Velocity Global adds DJ Matt Cassidy as Dance Floor Director

Velocity Global

DENVER, October 27, 2021 —. Cassidy responsible for vibe creation for growing global team. Cassidy to play company’s annual party this week in his hometown of Denver. Cassidy featured in lineup for Icelantic’s Winter on the Rocks in January. Velocity Global officially named DJ Matt Cassidy as Dance Floor Director as the company makes final preparations for its annual party this week.

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Perficient Listed in Forrester Now Tech: Robotic Process Automation Services, Q4 2021

Perficient Digital Transformation

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is the use of software to automate high volume and repetitive tasks that previously required a human to perform. RPA enables the configuration of a “bot” or “digital workers” to capture and interpret tasks on existing applications such as processing transactions, transforming or manipulating data, triggering responses, and integrating with other digital systems.

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How the CIO Plays a Critical Role in Bringing Order to Global Payroll


Today on the blog, we have a guest contributor, Brent Skinner, HCM Subject Matter Expert | Co-Founder of 3Sixty Insights | Host of the #HRTechChat Video Podcast. . It is not a surprise that getting global payroll right is a mission-critical activity. What might surprise you is that a significant share of the responsibility for ensuring that an organization successfully accomplishes this falls on the CIO.

Payroll 111
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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.