Tue.Aug 31, 2021

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Software Outsourcing 101: All about Dedicated Software Development Teams

Groove Technology

A dedicated development team is a viable approach to developing software that is useful nowadays. Some companies hire dedicated software developers to beat the competition and launch products as quickly as possible. Others use specialized software development services to meet their meager resource needs. The dedicated development model suggests expanding your unit by adding dedicated software developers.

Software 246
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Ahava Zarembski Discusses How to Build a Manufacturing Company at 9/1/21 wegginar®

The Global Small Business Blog

©Women Entrepreneurs Grow Global®. All rights reserved. When you want to learn directly from a women business owner or entrepreneurs (think of it as experience sharing) on how to export, finance a global deal, find customers, create an ecommerce business or ship products, Women Entrepreneurs Grow Global® is the go-to-place to learn how to go global.


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Why is Call Center Outsourcing Demand Surging?

Customer Serv Outsource Smarter

Demand for outsourced call centers is becoming increasingly relevant. In 2020, brands, organizations, and government agencies quickly learned that they were ill-equipped to manage the dramatic impact of COVID-19 on their call centers. During the height of the pandemic, frustrated and highly emotional customers experienced average hold times that suddenly inflated from minutes to hours in some sectors.

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Microservices vs. Monolithic: The Differences You Should Know


Choosing software architecture is one of the most crucial factors when it comes to influencing the outcome of your project. How do you know what to choose when deciding between monolithic and microservices? The latter has become extremely popular in recent years, but is it the best option for you? In this blog post, we’ll break down microservices vs. monolithic to help you choose the best one for your needs.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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How Background Removal and Image Retouching to eCommerce Industry

Offshore India Data Entry

Images in digital format are of utmost importance in the present business-driven society. In retailing, marketing, and e-commerce divisions, they play a crucial role. Both the images and pictures that are carefully edited show the product and also provide a strong company message to the end-users in a very conceivable method. That is why outsourcing firms offer image retouching services for the eCommerce sector.

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How to Outsource Your Back Office Service in the Philippines?

Magellan Solutions

Looking for a back office outsourcing company to assist you? Here’s how you can get one. For SMEs, a 24/7 and full back-office operations are no longer impossible in today’s digital environment all thanks to BPO companies in the Philippines. . If you are not yet subscribed to a BPO company, consider the pressure to provide faster service while meeting increased customer expectations and lowering costs has multiplied.

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The Essential Role of Humans in Content Moderation

Pure Moderation

The Essential Role Of Humans in Audio Content Moderation. Despite the latest advances in AI, recent events have demonstrated just how essential human involvement in the moderation of User Generated Content remains and will continue to do so as the online content landscape evolves. The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us some very clear lessons about where we need to be with our approach to online content moderation but, at the same time, it has also raised more than a few questions about where we sh

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Software Outsourcing Tips: How to Manage Your Remote Team Effectively?

Outsource Workers

To compete with the large companies, small businesses need to ensure the appropriate allocation of resources, and big companies, in turn, won’t mind saving costs. Whatever the case is, software development outsourcing is a one-stop solution for both of them. Besides, when transferring some non-core tasks to the remote developers, the business becomes more tech-savvy, leverages innovations, and is able to attract more customers.

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Digital Transformation & The State of the Union…


WARNING! This is a long, but necessary article……. Why should you read this? ‘Digital Transformation’ is the latest Industry buzzword. Nobody really knows what it is, but everybody wants it, and they want in now! Your organization is probably using the ‘Transformation’ buzzword too. However, various reports suggest ‘ 70% of digital transformations fall short of their objectives ’, and that is certainly what we are seeing.

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4 Business Process Solutions Proven to Drive Efficiency and Growth (with Examples)


While 65% of organizations say that transforming processes is a good way to improve productivity and efficiency, 80% aren’t deploying business process management solutions. Here’s the thing. If you want to maximize operational excellence and efficiency, you must get a handle on your processes. Not only do sloppy processes produce poor results, but they’re also slow, error-prone, and costly.

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Global Hiring Guide for Startups

Grow your startup beyond borders and boundaries. Global expansion is the ultimate goal for many startup founders. However, to successfully enter new markets and grow internationally, you need a sound and scalable global recruitment strategy. In this eBook, you’ll discover how you can gain a competitive edge over your business rivals through the latest technology, harnessing global contractors, and using a global employment platform.

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Exploring Immedis Absence Management


The cost of paid leave benefits is often an employer’s largest expenditure , even exceeding healthcare. Global organizations are also under pressure to ensure that they adhere to local legislation and statutory rights around leave. In some countries, it is obligatory to report an employee’s leave of absence to the local authorities, or employees may be entitled to social security payments depending on the nature of their absence.

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How to Create a Workflow Diagram (and Why You Should)


You and your team are constantly engaging in workflows to get things done — onboarding new hires, drafting client proposals, approving invoices, etc. Each workflow follows a set of steps to achieve a specific result, whether it’s bringing employees up to speed or procuring goods for shipment. But are your workflows efficient? Are they properly documented in a way that employees can easily follow and understand?

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Controlling eNews (DACH): “Cloud, RPA and Smart Analytics boost Efficiency“

The Hackett Group

A bylined article by The Hackett Group’s Georg Bach. “The Hackett Group benchmarks have been the standard for globally active companies in the area of business unit performance for decades. ‘World Class Performance’ has been the standard so far. In order to take into account the current developments and effects of the digital transformation, The Hackett Group has raised the bar to a new level: The Digital World-Class Finance…”.

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Business Process Transformation: How to Boost Productivity


Transforming your processes can transform your business. Not only can business process transformation lead to more effective and efficient workflows, but it can also result in happier customers, more satisfied staff, and better relationships with suppliers. Read on to learn how to transform your business processes to make your organization more productive and efficient.

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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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CIO Dive, “Do tech investments really yield cost savings?,”

The Hackett Group

The link between technology investments and long-term cost savings isn’t always linear. Not every technology gain will directly affect the budget. Share. Tweet. Share. The post CIO Dive, “Do tech investments really yield cost savings?,” first appeared on The Hackett Group.

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Driving frictionless customer experience in healthcare


We live in a world where pizza delivery gets to your home faster than the police – no offense intended members of law enforcement. Rather, kudos to all those technologists that have enabled the consumer to consume their company’s product via a myriad of channels. Just the other day, I was rushing to get a birthday gift for a high school graduate. A few clicks later, recommendations to purchase a gift card for Fatback’s Smokin’ Racks – a restaurant near the university he’ll soon attend in the US

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6 Reasons Why Companies Don’t Update Their Technology


Few things are as frustrating as having to limp along with slow, out-of-date technology.