Sat.Feb 20, 2021 - Fri.Feb 26, 2021

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What is a Call Center Service Provider?


A business in the 21st century will inevitably establish a relationship with a call center service provider; the possibilities of growth, savings, and increased customer satisfaction make it a new reality. Great interactions and an excellent customer experience have become the defining factor in the Covid-19 era; in a recent study, it was identified that 59% of consumers surveyed reported that customer experience was a deciding factor on who they would purchase from. [1].

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Down-to-Earth Reasons for Banks to Go for Cloud and Cloud Automation

Automation Anywhere

Look at banking industry websites today. You’ll see headlines with the words “transforming,” imperative,” or “impactful” associated with the word “cloud.” In its article “ The cloud imperative for the banking industry, ” Accenture states cloud investment has grown strongly in recent years and is predicted to continue growing at 15 percent annually until 2022.

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Coffee and Crypto YouTube channel added to Risk Guide

Risk Guide

By Alexander Larsen. Risk Guide is delighted to add a new channel to our RiskGuide YouTube page. Cryptocurrencies are really beginning to hit the mainstream with even major companies beginning to put their reserves into bitcoin rather than holding FIAT currency. If you’re interested in learning about cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin, or interested in certain coins or use-cases or even to understand where the market stands, then visit the Coffee and Crypto YouTube channel : [link].

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The Importance of Stategic Workforce Planning in 2021

As a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic, many businesses had to rethink their approach to workforce management in 2020. The shifting regulatory landscape, fluctuating demand, and unforeseeable market circumstances highlighted the importance of business flexibility and strategic workforce planning. Though many businesses lost revenue, some sectors, such as the staffing industry , managed to grow.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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How to Process Invoices when Staff Work Remotely


It will be hard for accounts payable leaders to achieve incremental process improvements unless they digitize the way their department receives, approves and posts invoices when staff work remotely.

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The Speed of RPA: Your Weapon Against Cyberattacks

Automation Anywhere

The faster an enterprise can locate a cyberattack, the better the chance to remediate the attack before significant damage in terms of lost data, income, business reputation, and more can happen. Intelligent automation software bots , combining Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and artificial intelligence (AI), offer a solution to what has been a challenging experience for security teams and businesses in general.

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Do Not Miss Our Reasons To Outsource To The Philippines

Magellan Solutions

What we guarantee for BPO accounting companies in the Philippines. Magellan Solutions is one of the leading contenders of the industry. Because of this, we take pride in our virtual accounting services. Our agents are always trained to meet your temporary or ongoing needs. All services are also patterned after your own company. As a result, it’s almost like you hired an in-house team.

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Virtualized Working enforced by Covid-19: Implications for Outsourcing Management


Abstract. The current pandemic increases requirements for remote work and home office. It seems commonly accepted that remote work from home will remain a popular option in a post-Covid-19 future. Combining this change within the company (intra-organizational) with typical outsourcing scenarios, involving a client and a service provider (inter-organizational), we expect lasting implications.

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5 Ways RPA-as-a-Service Drives Faster Time to Value

Automation Anywhere

When making any major enterprise software purchases that impact how work is done in an organization, CFOs and CIOs expect a significant return on investment (ROI). With Robotic Process Automation (RPA), ROI is often measured in cost reduction , time savings, and increased productivity. Yet, one of the most valuable success metrics in implementing RPA—or any enterprise software—is the time to value.

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Future of Work: Five Trends To Watch Over the Next Five Years

Velocity Global

The world business landscape changed drastically in 2020. The historic COVID-19 pandemic accelerated trends that had been slowly building for years, forcing companies and employees to change the way they work virtually overnight. . Nearly a year since the pandemic’s start, worldwide vaccine rollouts promise a return to some semblance of normalcy. Still, companies across the globe are left with one burning question: what will normalcy at work look like in 2021—and beyond?

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Global Hiring Guide for Startups

Grow your startup beyond borders and boundaries. Global expansion is the ultimate goal for many startup founders. However, to successfully enter new markets and grow internationally, you need a sound and scalable global recruitment strategy. In this eBook, you’ll discover how you can gain a competitive edge over your business rivals through the latest technology, harnessing global contractors, and using a global employment platform.

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Ways to Reach The Perfect Contact Center Services Philippines

Magellan Solutions

8 easy steps on how to outsource to Philippines. Our longtime clients are now reaping the benefits of their partnership with us. They will be more than eager to agree that they’re able to save more. This is in comparison to the pay for a full-time local professional. . If you want to get on the list of success, here is a guide on how to start choosing your partners: Research.

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CSR Continues During 2020


PRESS RELEASE. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. Deeply embedded within our DNA is a passion for charity and humanitarianism, two guiding principles of SEBPO. We are extremely proud of our employees for their selfless desire to give back to society. Their hard work is making a difference by helping to build and support sustainable communities as well as a more just and fair world.

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5 Considerations That May Impact Your RPA ROI

Automation Anywhere

Being in charge of the automation initiative in an organization is never easy. You've convinced management to make the investment and implement Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Next, you need to choose a vendor. Then, you have to set up a team that will drive this initiative. Finally, when your project is up and running, you need to show the return on this investment to your management.

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Inside the Cross-Border M&A Monitor: Special Report

Velocity Global

While the COVID-19 pandemic slowed M&A activity in many sectors, few flourished like information technology (IT) in 2020. Worldwide social distancing measures forced countries to turn to virtual meetings, digital health consultations, and e-commerce like never before. As companies across the world shifted to virtual operations, dealmakers moved quickly to capitalize on the rising demand for IT services. .

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The 2023 Supply Chain Crystal Ball: Challenges and Solutions

Speaker: Olivia Montgomery, Associate Principal Supply Chain Analyst

Curious to know how your peers are navigating ongoing disruption? The supply chain management techniques that dominated the last 30 years are no longer supporting consumer behavior or logistics and manufacturing capabilities. So what’s working now? What should your plans for 2023 include? By researching the supply chain challenges and solutions that businesses – especially small and midsize businesses – are currently experiencing, we’ve learned what’s working and what’s not.

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Outsource Agency Philippines And Its Advantages

Magellan Solutions

Why choose staff outsourcing Philippines. Because of business growth, there are a lot of industries that have taken to outsourcing. The BPO industry in the country has expanded into new alternatives over the years. You no longer have to worry about fully giving up control of your projects. Instead, you could take advantage of offshore staffing for your company.

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Is Your Contact Center Equipped for Success? RPA Can Help.

Automation Anywhere

Contact center agents are tasked with providing quality, timely support to ensure customer satisfaction and strengthen competitive advantage. An adequate level of support is critical since a poor customer experience can directly impact the center’s performance and affect its bottom line. In fact, 89% of consumers will switch to a competitor after a poor experience.

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Live Chat Outsourcing Pros and Cons

Magellan Solutions

Live chat outsourcing, like many other services, has its pros and cons. Live chat remains one of the most popular service channels to date because businesses like how cheap and efficient it is. Although to ensure success, it is crucial to consider the resources used. Amidst the crisis the economy is facing, companies are looking for cost-effective solutions.

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Best Choice? Philippines Accounting Outsourcing

Magellan Solutions

Philippines Accounting Outsourcing Is Your Best Choice For Financial Services. Philippines accounting outsourcing companies diversify to meet global market demands. This ensures their stable market share in the worldwide BPO industry. As the world battles the pandemic, it also accelerated the digital shift. According to Business Mirror, legal services and accounting firms increased their digital operations.

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Building A Superstar Global Workforce: What We Aren’t Talking About Enough

Companies are turning inclusive by breaking conventional hiring practices and expanding their talent pools. But there are important questions that still are not being addressed. Read this eBook to understand how taking the following seriously can help you build a superstar global workforce: The importance of the new-age manager. Maintaining social capital.

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Why Go To a BPO Accounting Companies in the Philippines?

Magellan Solutions

Advantages of the BPO Accounting Companies in the Philippines. BPO accounting companies in the Philippines grow rapidly because of foreign demands. A lot of big firms prefer to outsource than hire an in-house team. This gives them a flexible budget control over manpower. . Besides that, the Philippines BPO also has top-notch data security. They invest a lot in solidifying their digital protection.

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Take Advantage Of Mortgage Outsourcing

Magellan Solutions

Mortgage Outsourcing Is An Essential Tool for Lenders . The mortgage industry shifts like any industry. Lenders must focus their efforts to develop their business. Not drown in time-consuming and repetitive tasks. . Inconsistent demands in the housing industry prompts lenders to look for effective solutions. To keep up with the changing demands and keep the business up-and-running efficiently.

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Applying For Mortgage With Call Center Loan Philippines

Magellan Solutions

Advantages from a loan processing center. The US financial crisis had an impact on the outsourcing industry. Mortgage service providers were the most affected ones. Because of this, many large corporate houses filed for bankruptcy. The financial meltdown in the U.S. may have affected many outsourcing firms. But this did not stop them. They decided to find new opportunities in Mortgage Process Outsourcing (MPO).

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Characteristics of a Great Third Party Mortgage Processing Companies

Magellan Solutions

What to Look for Third Party Mortgage Processing Companies? Third party mortgage processing companies provide important benefits for businesses. It makes the service faster while saving so much money. Furthermore, training a team to do this can cost you more time. Besides that, hiring employees requires more HR-related tasks. With this in mind, a lot of mortgage loaners and brokers outsourcing loan processes.

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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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Why Insurance Outsourcing Is A Smart Option

Magellan Solutions

Who Needs Insurance Outsourcing? Outsourcing is an effective business solution for most industries. Especially those that want to reduce costs and remove tedious repetitive tasks. Outsourcing is your top pick for simple back office tasks to complex accounting. As a matter of fact, insurance BPO projection within the period of 2020-2027 is at $8.3 billion.

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Is It Advisable To Have a Mortgage Process Outsourcing?

Magellan Solutions

Phases of the mortgage loan processing services. Mortgage Pre-Approval. Sets you up for a smooth home buying experience. For purchase transactions, our agents would first want to know if you can get a loan. For the process to start, it is being advised to approach us with a lender pre-approval already in hand. Pre-approvals don’t take much time.

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Everything You Need to Know About Lead Qualification Services

Magellan Solutions

Many companies are aware of what a good lead qualification service can provide to their profit. So we compile in this article everything you need to know about it. Businesses need sales to earn. However, not all people are interested or qualified to avail of your product or service. That’s why lead generation and qualification are two in-demand business process outsourcing (BPO) services.

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