April, 2020

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Work @ Home Call Center Agent – The New Disruptor?

Customer Serv Outsource Smarter

The impact of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) instantly brought to light the value of remote call center agents for business continuity, risk mitigation and staffing fluctuations.

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US Companies That Outsource And Remained Recession Proof

Magellan Solutions

Outsourcing can benefit businesses of all industries and sizes, especially during challenging times. For US companies that outsource offshore, one of its greatest benefits is additional support during recessions. While you can always outsource within your territory, a growing number of companies find it more effective to do it offshore. In fact, a lot of key industry players are taking advantage of offshore outsourcing.


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Innovation Hour - Live with Nassau Re


Tom and Paul Sheridan were asked to be guests on Nassau Re's Innovation Hour. Watch the recording of a very informative and engaging conversation regarding how Eclaro delivers global talent and supports startups.

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How the CARES Act Impacts U.S. Businesses

Velocity Global

On March 27, 2020, the president signed into law the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act. At $2 trillion, it is the largest economic relief package in United States history. The CARES Act provides much-needed relief for individual taxpayers, small and medium-sized businesses, and corporations. It also injects necessary funding into hospitals and public health organizations, education, and state and local governments through one-time payments, grants, and loans.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Chazey Partners Leads a Webinar on Making Your Business Continuity Plan Real

Chazey Partners

Chazey Partners, a global management consulting firm specializing in Shared Services, Business Transformation and Robotic Process Automation (RPA), recently teamed up with SSON to co-host … Chazey Partners Leads a Webinar on Making Your Business Continuity Plan Real Read More ». The post Chazey Partners Leads a Webinar on Making Your Business Continuity Plan Real appeared first on Chazey Partners.

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Survey: Global Sourcing Impact and Response to COVID-19

Neo Group

As the humanitarian, social, and business impact of COVID-19 continues to evolve and expand, IAOP is partnering with Neo Group to reach out to the Global Sourcing community and gather an important perspective on the impact of COVID-19. We believe, the Global Sourcing community represents a constituency directly impacted by COVID-19. As professionals responsible for some of the most significant global sourcing partnerships that exist today, we believe there is value in sharing your perspective on

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Australian Companies That Outsource To Stay On Top

Magellan Solutions

Outsourcing has become a global phenomenon. What was once thought of simply as a means to save costs has become an effective tool in helping companies grow and expand. Key industry players, at most, benefit from this business activity. Even startups and small businesses are now taking advantage of outsourcing to supplement whatever is missing in-house.

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Canadian Companies That Outsource and Why They Keep on Outsourcing

Magellan Solutions

One of the biggest advantages of globalization is how much easier outsourcing has become. Whether locally, nearshore or offshore, you can now easily find a reliable outsourcing partner regardless of your business size or industry. Even the best Canadian players have taken advantage of outsourcing. Here are some of the top Canadian companies that outsource and why they do it: Herschel.

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Companies That Outsource Payroll And Other Admin Tasks

Magellan Solutions

Focus on core strengths, lower overhead costs, streamline work processes, and add more value to the organization — these are the main drivers of companies that outsource payroll. For multinational companies with thousands of employees worldwide, human resource administration can’t be taken lightly. It plays a significant role in creating a positive workplace environment, boosting employee morale, and improving productivity.

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How to Ensure Accurate Data Entry

Magellan Solutions

Data entry is an invaluable tool of a business. But it’s not as easy as you think it is, especially if the data entry team is loaded with tons of data on a daily basis. There will be times when data entry errors like omissions, duplication, extra characters, and incorrect entries will happen. Remember that even a single mistake could make a lot of difference in a data.

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Global Hiring Guide for Startups

Grow your startup beyond borders and boundaries. Global expansion is the ultimate goal for many startup founders. However, to successfully enter new markets and grow internationally, you need a sound and scalable global recruitment strategy. In this eBook, you’ll discover how you can gain a competitive edge over your business rivals through the latest technology, harnessing global contractors, and using a global employment platform.

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Companies That Outsource IT Abroad

Magellan Solutions

Around the world, there are hundreds if not thousands of companies that outsource IT operations. Businesses of all sizes benefit from it — startups, small and medium businesses, multinational companies. In fact, many of the most well-known technology companies today have outsourced development tasks during their early stages. The more established ones leverage on the available infrastructure and high-skilled manpower of third-party contractors.

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Data Entry Best Practices All Businesses Should Know

Magellan Solutions

Quality and comprehensive data is the name of the game when it comes to the data entry process. There are many reasons why data quality is important , may it be in our daily lives or to businesses. The goal here is always to get accurate data as these information are essential in creating strategic business decisions. And you could prevent data entry errors from occurring and achieve good and valid data by incorporating the data entry best practices during the data entry processes.

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The Benefits of Data Entry in Your Small Business

Magellan Solutions

Sales and marketing are vital for any business. Every company needs to pay close attention to their sales and marketing efforts. They should invest in developing extensive plans and campaigns, and hire enough staff. While these methods are often successful, some smaller— but crucial are easily overlooked. The benefits of data entry , for one is often overlooked, especially in small businesses.

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How To Manage A Remote Workforce Effectively

Magellan Solutions

To contain the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and to protect their employees from catching the disease, many business owners are now having difficulties managing a remote workforce. Though remote work has been up for many years now, and the trend has been going around for decades, it is only these days that most business executives have explored its possibility.

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The 2023 Supply Chain Crystal Ball: Challenges and Solutions

Speaker: Olivia Montgomery, Associate Principal Supply Chain Analyst

Curious to know how your peers are navigating ongoing disruption? The supply chain management techniques that dominated the last 30 years are no longer supporting consumer behavior or logistics and manufacturing capabilities. So what’s working now? What should your plans for 2023 include? By researching the supply chain challenges and solutions that businesses – especially small and midsize businesses – are currently experiencing, we’ve learned what’s working and what’s not.

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Strategies for Small Business Growth During Coronavirus (COVID-19) Lockdown

Magellan Solutions

The community quarantine caused by the coronavirus pandemic limits the operations of many businesses. Especially for businesses in the non-essential sector, cash comes in more and more infrequently. In worst-case scenarios, the entire operations stop — leaving many individuals jobless. In the face of this pandemic, is it possible to survive and even grow?

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How to Avoid Common Data Entry Errors

Magellan Solutions

In the digital age, maintaining and improving data entry accuracy is highly important. These information are vital to creating decisions. These are being used by businesses to continue thriving in the midst of high competition. However, for data entry specialists, it is a great challenge for them to achieve high accuracy as they are in constant pressure to complete their workloads on time, which gives room for data entry errors.

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How to Avoid Common Data Entry Errors

Magellan Solutions

In the digital age, maintaining and improving data entry accuracy is highly important. These information are vital to creating decisions. These are being used by businesses to continue thriving in the midst of high competition. However, for data entry specialists, it is a great challenge for them to achieve high accuracy as they are in constant pressure to complete their workloads on time, which gives room for data entry errors.

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Velocity Global Names Tech Veteran Dave Martelon as Chief Technology Officer

Velocity Global

Denver, Colo., April 15, 2020 — Velocity Global , the leading provider of global expansion solutions, named innovator Dave Martelon as its Chief Technology Officer. Martelon joins the company’s executive leadership team reporting to CEO Ben Wright. Martelon leads Velocity Global’s technology team to deliver strategies and initiatives supporting the company’s employees, clients, and their global teams.

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Building A Superstar Global Workforce: What We Aren’t Talking About Enough

Companies are turning inclusive by breaking conventional hiring practices and expanding their talent pools. But there are important questions that still are not being addressed. Read this eBook to understand how taking the following seriously can help you build a superstar global workforce: The importance of the new-age manager. Maintaining social capital.

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Ease of Doing Business: The Top 3 Business-Friendly Markets in 2020

Velocity Global

Before expanding overseas, tech companies must do significant research to determine which markets offer the most favorable conditions for their growth objectives. For many tech organizations, a country’s relative ease of doing business remains a top (if not the number-one) factor in selecting it as a global expansion destination. Gathering data from Velocity Global’s 2020 State of Global Expansion Report : Technology Industry and the World Bank’s 2019 Doing Business Report , we will review

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Top 5 Countries for Global Expansion in 2020

Velocity Global

Businesses have many choices when it comes to global expansion destinations—and determining the right market can quickly become overwhelming. Velocity Global’s 2020 State of Global Expansion Report : Technology Industry gives tech firms a clear picture of the most promising markets for their global expansion goals. The report includes the top 10 of the 50 most promising markets for global expansion in 2020, found in the 2020 Global Expansion Tech Index , which uses the following five criteria to

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Data Entry Outsourcing Guide For Small Businesses

Magellan Solutions

Data entry outsourcing is the fastest and cheapest way to digitize data. Though data entry is repetitive and time-consuming, it has the utmost importance in organizations. When outsourced, you regain more important resources growing your business: time and focus. What to Expect from this Article? If you’ve been looking into services that can relieve your organization from the painstaking task of data entry, you’re in the right place.

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Webinar: COVID-19 Update—How to Keep Global Hiring Initiatives Running During Uncertain Times

Velocity Global

COVID-19 is not just a public health emergency—it is causing economic turmoil, travel bans, and forcing full government-mandated lockdowns. These obstacles make running global businesses challenging or nearly impossible, as millions of companies around the world shut down in an attempt to control the spread of the virus. However, for some companies, the outbreak has not stopped business entirely, and many of these firms need ways to keep their global hiring initiatives moving.

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Reshoring – The Future of Supply Chains

Speaker: Rosemary Coates - Board Member & Founder at Reshoring Institute, Best-selling Author, Host of the Frictionless Supply Chain podcast

Supply chain disruptions create uncertainty and unpredictability for both businesses and consumers. These disruptions bring to light an organization's supply chain dependencies, which they were often unaware of when everything was running smoothly. Re-shoring is one solution that is gaining popularity as a result of pandemic-related issues. Companies can lower the risk of disruptions by shortening the supply chain and moving manufacturing close to the points of sale to reduce the need for expens

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Preserve Your Brand’s Equity Via Content Moderation Outsourcing

Magellan Solutions

As people and businesses are now going online, this also means that your online reputation is important in maintaining a positive image. Content moderation outsourcing is the best technique you can take. . If you are a business owner, especially if you run your business online, you should have the primary goal of making sure that all the contents on your website, social media, and other platforms work for your brand and never against you. .

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The Top 5 Asian Markets for Global Expansion in 2020

Velocity Global

According to the 2020 State of Global Expansion Report: Technology Industry, nearly a quarter (23%) of U.S. and UK tech executives identified Asia as their target region for global expansion in 2020. Of the top 10 most promising global markets on the report’s Global Expansion Tech Index , Singapore tops all others, with Hong Kong coming in fifth. This post includes an additional three Asian markets found on the index’s top 20 list and explores how each market earned its ranking, the determining

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Are We in a Recession Yet? Watch out for These Signs

Magellan Solutions

Negative economic growth surfaces at any point across businesses. When it occurs, businesses must know what they are up against for — drop in revenue, lower levels of production, and decline in sales. But what if a severe pandemic coincides with business challenges? Economists say the damage could weaken the global economy even more. To contain the spread of the virus, different countries initiate public health protective measures.

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History Repeating Itself? Lessons Learned From Previous Pandemics

Magellan Solutions

The best time to make a comeback is after experiencing adversities. Ask these people who failed big in life and they would show you how you can see your biggest strength when you’re pulled into the rock bottom. These past few days, fear and uncertainties are in the air as the coronavirus disease continues to disrupt the equilibrium of society. And even after this pandemic is gone, people’s way of life will never be the same again.

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Addressing the Global Talent War

Speaker: Jason Ciment - Get Visible | Mark Wald - SPRCHRGR | Leo Gestetner - Thankz | Michael S. Kraus - Expak Logistics

Remote work has helped future-proof organizations and increased their flexibility. However, sourcing candidates nationally poses new challenges and is proving difficult. The global sourcing industry seems to be in a state of war. DEI, attracting qualified candidates, and physical demographics are just a few of the issues that organizations face. Many companies are failing to win in this new landscape due to the intersectionality of problems in global sourcing.

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Government Grants for Small Businesses Amidst Covid-19

Magellan Solutions

The Covid-19 pandemic is a challenging time for the entire world. If you do not have enough resources, it can be difficult to guarantee your survival. This is the same for both individuals and businesses. Business owners need to ensure that they can continue their operations, while also taking care of their employees. For small business owners, striking this balance is extremely tricky, especially during a pandemic where safety is the top priority.

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COVID 19: Going Global During Travel Bans and Immigration Restrictions

Velocity Global

The COVID-19 pandemic creates unprecedented barriers for businesses navigating global markets. Travel bans and quarantines ground international and domestic travel to a halt, resulting in a hard hit to many of the world’s economies. Visa freezes and a potential ban of immigration into the United States make it impossible for companies to hire foreign workers and legally relocate them to the U.S. for work.