Wed.Jun 09, 2021

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Tips & Tricks to Success in Portrait Photography Editing

Offshore India Data Entry

For portrait photographers, portrait photo editing is the main part of their workflow. Shooting out a picture takes only seconds, while the editing part of it takes a lot of time. Shooting and editing have a relation to each other. A better form of shooting would save a lot of time required in editing. Tools of photoshop cannot fix all the problems in the images.

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How to Choose the Best Invoice Processing Software


The business case for invoice processing software is proven and compelling. But choosing the wrong invoice processing software can undermine an otherwise solid business case.


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KP9 Interactive launches first geolocation-based AR product using IBM Cloud Platform

IBM Business Partners

In 2017, as customers of all types of products and services began to increasingly expect new and innovative customer experiences, Wil McReynolds and April Robinson founded their Ontario, Canada-based company, KP9 Interactive , to help businesses put augmented reality creations directly in the hands of the masses. KP9 specializes in helping businesses of all sizes and industries build augmented reality experiences without needing to know how to code.

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4 Ways to Use Synergies Between RPA and IoT

Automation Anywhere

Organizations are starting to see returns on their investments in Internet of Things (IoT) initiatives. But using intelligent automation in the form of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) coupled with artificial intelligence (AI) can drive even faster and higher returns for organizations that recognize the synergies between the two technologies. The IoT is coming into its own The global IoT market is expected to grow from $2.6 billion in 2021 to $40.2 billion by 2026, at a rather astounding compou

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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What is Tail Spend?

Future of Digital Sourcing Outsourcing

What is Tail Spend? Related news: Why Should I Maintain My Data? Just like in spend data classification, the definition of tail spend is subjective. Some organisations classify tail spend at the bottom 20% of spend, while others might set a financial level such as £100,000 or £1 million. According to CIPS, tail spend “can often be referred to as rogue spend or maverick spend, is usually small value purchases that are conducted by the organisations outside of a contract and ofte

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Oracle Exadata – Reducing Maintenance Costs with Multi-Vendor Support


Oracle released its first Exadata Database Machine back in 2014 with the release of V1. Since then, there have been 13 other releases of Oracle’s engineered system. Many of these systems are now End of Service Life (EOSL). However, these are high performance and stable solutions that organizations have spent many millions of dollars acquiring and deploying for their application database needs.

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Boost Your E-commerce Customer Service With These 4 Best Practices & Improvement Ideas

Mattsen Kumar

The e-commerce industry is incessantly evolving; today, players are improving and customizing their businesses to meet customers where they are. The industry has overcome the notion where “pricing & product were kings,” Today, quality experience and instant support decide the winner. E-commerce customer service practices are ever-evolving; often led by new technologies, these trends keep changing year after year.

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Commonly Outsourced Restaurant Answering Service

Magellan Solutions

Commonly outsourced restaurant phone answering service . A bustling kitchen and dining room full of hungry customers is the goal of every restaurateur. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to run a tight ship and maintain open lines of communications with prospective diners. The demanding nature of the restaurant industry often means employees are stretched thin, wearing multiple hats and putting out fires wherever they turn.

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What You Need to Know About IP Contact Center Outsourcing

Magellan Solutions

Know What Makes IP Contact Center Outsourcing Different from Old School Call Center. The Philippine BPO call center has veered away from traditional focus on outgoing and incoming voice calls. Instead now offers IP contact center outsourcing. Traditional call centers are not entirely obsolete. However, having multiple services as an international call center process provider , it is only smart to take advantage of this technology.