Mon.Oct 12, 2020

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Checking a Bot for Rogue Traffic and Plaintext Connections

Automation Anywhere

It’s a good idea to perform a security review of a bot before you decide to implement it in your network. One test you can perform is to see what types of connections the bot is initiating, as well as what servers the bot is connecting to. If you are a bot developer, it is also important to check and make sure that no data is being leaked over a plaintext protocol that could be read by anyone observing the network traffic.

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Building Resilience Into Your Critical Applications

3Pillar Global

Resilience is the bedrock of all IT systems. No matter how potentially powerful a technology can perform, if it’s not resilient, it won’t deliver business value. Your customers, partners, and internal end-users won’t consistently receive the performance they expect from the applications they consume. The keys to building resilient applications are the patterns you use to build your service architecture.

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What is Procurement Consulting and What Do They Do?


Many businesses acknowledge the advantages of sourcing in low cost countries. Increasing numbers of executives see the writing on the wall, and can no longer ignore the fact that sourcing in low cost countries can reduce labor costs and give them access to robust manufacturing facilities. This is why procurement consulting that allows a business to initiate a strategic sourcing plan is becoming an increasingly appealing option for many businesses.