Weekly Series: ChatGPT on MVS

We’re starting with the basics for week 1, trying to get ChatGPT’s thoughts on what options might exist for the enterprise IT executive. The remaining text comes directly from ChatGPT.

There are several options that an enterprise IT department has for supporting older hardware systems:

  1. Extended Support: The vendor of the hardware system may offer extended support for a fee, which can include security patches, bug fixes, and technical support.

  2. Third-Party Support: Third-party companies specialize in providing support for older hardware systems and can offer similar services to those provided by the original vendor.

  3. In-House Support: The IT department can choose to maintain the hardware systems in-house, either by hiring additional staff or by training existing staff. This option can be more cost-effective but may require a significant investment in time and resources.

  4. Virtualization: Older hardware systems can be virtualized, which means that they run as a virtual machine on top of a modern host operating system. This can help extend the life of the hardware and provide a more secure and flexible computing environment.

  5. Replacement: If the older hardware system is no longer feasible to support, the IT department may choose to replace it with a newer system. This can be a costly option but may be necessary if the older hardware is unable to meet the needs of the organization.\

Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the best choice depends on factors such as the cost, the criticality of the hardware system, and the IT department's capabilities and resources.

A pretty decent start — comprehensive, coherent, on-point.

Let’s see how the engine does next week as we get a little deeper into the weeds.


ChatGPT on MVS, Week 2


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