Customer Satisfaction, Customer Contact, Customer Feedback, Monitoring, Lead Generation Outsourcing

Improving Customer Satisfaction

Four Keys To Improve Customer Satisfaction

Many customers are becoming more demanding in terms of quality and interaction speed. Time is limited and they can often take their business elsewhere in a heartbeat. The stakes are high for winning new customers, retaining them, and ensuring that they are happy and willing to spread the word about your services.  Succeeding in the marketplace requires monitoring customer feedback throughout their entire journey with your business. Following are four keys that can provide the building blocks for improving your customer satisfaction:

1)  Customer Contact Monitoring:

There are a variety of channels through which a customer can contact an organization.  Some customers call into a contact center while others prefer self-service through a website or mobile app.  The later might then lead to an online chat, an email request, or a call for support. It is common for a customer to use multiple channels to solve a particular need. Best practices requires that your company provides consistent information regardless of the channel.  For instance, a customer might start on the Web to do some research before making a decision to purchase via a different channel.

Across all these contact points, a firm must listen to the voice of the customer to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the interaction.  Only then can the management team determine the customer’s emotional reaction to that contact. The business insights from these omni-channel contacts can provide specific, actionable ideas not only for enhancements to contact handling, but also for business process improvements and product modifications.

2) Social Media Monitoring:

Organizations can’t ignore Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, or other social networks. Listening to and responding on social media is an opportunity to understand the customer voice on a different level. The content shared on social media is less predictable and certainly less controllable than other customer feedback mechanisms, as it can go viral quickly. Social media is an increasingly important “voice” of customers, and requires a plan for both monitoring and responding.

3) Customer Feedback:

For consumers, it is routine to receive a request for feedback subsequent to a transaction.  Those responses are extremely valuable whether it’s an airline flight, an online purchase, a call for support, or even just a Web site visit.  Customers are providing a snapshot of their satisfaction and/or willingness to promote you to others at that given point in time.

4) Market Research:

There is unlimited news and independent third-party perspectives regarding the customer experience for any given industry. Every organization needs to monitor its brand reputation to understand how consumers perceive their business. Companies should examine their own brand perception and that of their competitors to update their customer service model and reflect what’s working best within a particular industry.

If you are ready to enhance your customer satisfaction, contact Worldwide Call Centers today at +1.719.368.8393 to discuss your situation and explore the contact center outsourcing options available from the US and Canada to Eastern Europe, Asia or Latin America.

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