let's talk


We help you prepare for a successful launch by conducting tailored market research, strategic planning, and stakeholder alignment


Who Are We?

SpdLoad is a software development company that covers the entire app development life cycle, from product discovery to maintaining

33 Reviews
100% job success

Why Do Startups Need a Product Discovery Phase?

How much will it cost to build your dream app?

Our Product Discovery Process

step-icon1 You tell us about your idea
step-icon2 We conduct researches
step-icon3 We provide you with wireframes
step-icon4 We create specifications
1 / 4

You've got a startup idea to improve the world – let's chat! We'll help define the core values early on to bring a market-driven product to life. Who's your audience, and why do they need this? What sparked this startup idea for you?

2 / 4

We'll dive deep into discovery using Lean Startup and Design Thinking to uncover the problem you'll solve. First, analyzing current solutions out there. Then, we research users and competitors to shape the product features.

3 / 4

Now, we start building user experience by designing prototypes and wireframes. This helps craft a concept users will love and clearly shows the value. After feedback, we'll create a clickable prototype that is ready for testing.

4 / 4

We test business hypotheses to shape solid requirements based on your product values. The technical specs will outline roles, use cases, and system needs – defining the scope of work.

Product Discovery Deliverables

  • UX design
  • Project documentation
  • Solution definition
UX design

UX design

Our team develops a high-quality and functional prototype to demonstrate how the app works. We also provide a project vision that outlines the main objectives of the project and the proposed solution. This helps you better understand the product's potential and future prospects.

Project documentation

Project documentation

You will receive all the necessary documentation and spreadsheets, including a conceptual description of the future minimum viable product business model and a description of all product-related business processes, such as requirements, functionality, team, market strategy, and financial aspects.

Solution definition

Solution definition

You will gain a comprehensive understanding of the app development process, including technology stack, wireframes, architecture, databases, and programming languages.

Explore Our Featured Projects

What do our customers say about us?

Colin Millward
2 devs 8 months
Colin Millward
Colin Millward
COO of ResoX, Singapor

“We engaged SpdLoad to develop and deploy a central business solution. It was the right decision. It was a pleasure to work with the team on all levels!”

Anas Nakawa
3 devs 2 years
Anas Nakawa
Anas Nakawa
Co-founder, CTO of ShortPoint, UAE

“SpdLoad has provided us with an excellent set of engineers who could work on complex problems and provide scalable solutions that will last us for years.”

Gabriel Senftle
from 2 up 6 devs 3 years
Gabriel Senftle
Gabriel Senftle
Founder of Studicon, Germany

“Firstly, they’re very proactive in working on custom software development. Secondly, they are transparent about the processes and costs. Thirdly, their designers are amazing.”

Omar Agely
6 devs 6 months
Omar Agely
Omar Agely
Product owner of Rearden House, UAE

“From the first meeting, we realized that we would cooperate. I’ve worked with a custom software development agency for ten years, and the SpdLoad team is one of the greatest.”

Len Marchese
5 devs 1 year
Len Marchese
Len Marchese
Founder of PCS, USA

“We brought them on to implement two startups. Their skills and professionalism are outstanding. I appreciate that they are engaged and communicative, but most of all, there is no distance between us, even though I am in Chicago and the team is in Ukraine.”

Johannes Ehrhardt
3 devs 2 years
Johannes Ehrhardt
Johannes Ehrhardt
Co-founder of Blue Academy, Germany

“The people at SpdLoad are highly effective and easy to collaborate with. I am satisfied with their work. They helped us to develop our MVP in six months in a complex and stressful situation.”

Danny Djanogly
2 devs 1 year
Danny Djanogly
Danny Djanogly
CMO of Dogiz , Israel

“SpdLoad developed the CRM dashboard of the B2B2C marketplace using ReactJS. The team has significantly expanded its functionality, so we also decided to collaborate on other projects.”

Edward Sapp
3 devs 4 months
Edward Sapp
Edward Sapp
CEO of DemographIQ, USA

“After having a great experience, I plan to use SpdLoad for all future projects, subject to their availability.”

Sanoma Jean
4 devs 4 months
Sanoma Jean
Sanoma Jean
Co-Founder of Ayatherapy, USA

“Throughout the entire process, they were great partners. Working with them was enjoyable, and we were impressed by their professionalism and output during a time of great uncertainty in their home country.”

Why Choose SpdLoad For Your Product Discovery Phase?

Discover how to validate your business idea and save costs

Let's start your project with conducting a product discovery stage

    Let’s get in touch:

    Tell us about the project:

    Have a Question? Look Here

    What is a product discovery service?

    Product Discovery Service is a process used to understand and define what product to build, who it’s for, and why it’s needed. It involves researching market needs, identifying user problems, and validating ideas before moving on to development. This helps ensure that the product will meet user needs and achieve business goals.

    Won't you copy my idea?

    We respect your intellectual property and maintain strict confidentiality with all our clients. A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is usually signed to ensure your idea is protected and not used or shared by us in any other way. Our clients always highlight that we are one of the most reliable and trustworthy project teams they have ever worked with. We appreciate your trust and never trespass agreement guidelines.

    Who owns platform data?

    As the platform owner, you own all user information. We ensure compliance with privacy laws and offer guidance on best data security and management practices.

    What does product discovery service include?

    Our product discovery service includes understanding your idea, identifying target audiences, conducting market research, defining key features, and prototyping with estimates.

    Why a product discovery phase is important?

    Investing in product discovery services can clarify your vision, reduce risks, and save time and costs in the long term, enhancing the success of your product in the market.

    Can product discovery help me in attracting investors?

    Definitely! A well-executed product discovery phase can attract investors by providing an overview of your product concept, market potential, and business model, which is crucial for securing funding.

    What are the main steps in the Product Discovery process?

    The main steps in the Product Discovery process include conducting user research, identifying user problems, brainstorming solutions, creating prototypes, product roadmap, and validating these solutions with real users. This iterative process helps refine the product idea based on feedback and insights gained along the way.

    How long does the Product Discovery process take?

    The duration of the Product Discovery process varies depending on the complexity of the product and the scope of the research needed. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. The goal is to thoroughly understand the market and users before moving on to the development phase.

    How does Product Discovery align with agile development?

    Product Discovery aligns well with agile development as it focuses on iterative learning and validation. In an agile framework, Product Discovery can be an ongoing process, continuously informing the product teams about user needs and priorities. This ensures that the product evolves based on real user feedback and market changes.

    What is a continuous discovery?

    Continuous discovery is an ongoing process of regularly engaging with users to gather feedback, identify new opportunities, and validate ideas throughout the product lifecycle. Instead of being a one-time phase, it’s a continuous cycle of learning and improvement. This approach ensures that the product remains aligned with user needs and market demands, allowing for timely adjustments and innovations. Continuous discovery helps maintain a deep understanding of users, leading to more informed decision-making and a more successful product.

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