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Outsourcing UI/UX Design: A Step-by-Step Guide

Ivetta Ananyeva

Ivetta Ananyeva

UX/UI expert

8 min

According to the Forrester survey, every $1 invested in UX design yields a return of $100 (ROI = 9,900 %). 

Of course, the numbers may vary depending on your business size and the field you operate in. Still, this staggering ROI emphasizes the importance of putting user experience first when building your website or mobile app. 

And we can’t agree more. UI/UX design isn’t just about aesthetics. It’s about creating meaningful, efficient, and enjoyable interactions between your platform and potential clients. 

Making sure your design is clean, easy to understand, and usable means that users stay engaged, businesses thrive, and digital experiences leave a lasting impact.

Clear navigation, logical flow, and consistent design elements improve usability. When users can easily find what they need, they’re more likely to engage with the product.

If you are thinking about redesigning your website or launching a new app, UI/UX designers should be a part of your team. In this article, we will explore the benefits of design outsourcing, rates and hidden costs, and share some tips on how to find a perfect partner. 

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5 Reasons to Outsource UI/UX Design 

It is critical for digital products and services to have a good UI/UX design.

For example, intuitive interfaces enhance user satisfaction. When users come across an app or website with intuitive navigation, they’re more likely to stay engaged and return. 

A well-designed user experience (UX) ensures users can accomplish tasks efficiently, leading to higher retention rates.

Let’s examine this design. We have two options that look quite similar. However, on the left, there are three active buttons that might confuse the user, whereas the design on the right is clear and easy to interact with.

These small details can make or break your user experience.

Bad and good UIUX - How to Outsource a UI/UX Design: A Step-by-Step Guide

However, hiring an in-house team of web designers takes a lot of time and effort, and we get that. That’s when you can reach out to an outsourcing UX/UI services provider. 

Outsourcing UI/UX design can bring several advantages to businesses. 

Here are five compelling reasons to consider outsourcing. 

Stay Current with Industry Trends

The field of UX design is dynamic, with new trends constantly emerging. 

Frameworks like Angular, Vue, and React evolve rapidly. Keeping an internal team trained and up-to-date on these trends requires significant effort and time. 

When outsourcing, companies can rely on external experts who stay on top of crucial UX trends, such as voice interfaces, unique illustrations, and advanced animations. 

Whether you lack a UX specialist or have a small team, delegating UI/UX tasks ensures alignment with the latest industry developments.

Access to Expertise and Creativity

Working with an outsourced team provides access to a diverse pool of UX/UI specialists. 

These professionals bring extensive knowledge and experience from working on a wide range of projects. 

Moreover, an external team often offers a fresh, creative perspective. 

Unlike internal designers, who may be constrained by existing company structures, outsourced UX teams can maintain creativity while adding valuable expertise.

Focus on Core Business Activities

When delegating your design tasks to specialists, you and your team can finally focus on your core competencies. 

Instead of allocating resources to build an in-house UX team, you can partner with external experts. 

This strategic move ensures that internal teams can focus on innovation, growth, and other critical business functions. 

Cost Efficiency

Outsourcing UX design can significantly reduce operating and labor costs. 

Hiring and maintaining an internal team involves expenses related to recruitment, salaries, benefits, and infrastructure. 

Outsourcing helps you avoid these overhead costs. 

Additionally, external teams often work on a project basis, allowing companies to pay only for the services they need. 

This cost-effective approach contributes to better financial management.

Risk Mitigation

Outsourcing mitigates risks associated with internal resource limitations, skill gaps, and project management challenges. 

External UX design companies specialize in handling various aspects of the design process, ensuring smoother execution. 

When collaborating with reliable experts, you minimize the risk of delays, errors, and poor user experiences. 

Outsourcing provides a safety net, especially when tackling large-scale projects, like mobile app design or dealing with tight deadlines.

Overall, outsourcing UX design offers flexibility, expertise, cost savings, and risk reduction.

You can leverage external talent to enhance user experiences and drive better outcomes in the competitive marketplace.

What Types of UI/UX Design Work Can You Outsource?

You can outsource various types of UI/UX design work to specialized professionals or agencies. 

Let’s explore the different types of UI/UX design work that can be effectively outsourced:

Type design Explanation Responsibilities to outsource
Interaction Design Creating seamless and intuitive interactions between users and digital products. 
  • Defining user flows and navigation paths.
  • Designing interactive elements (buttons, forms, menus).
  • Ensuring smooth transitions and animations.
  • Collaborating with project managers and engineers.
Visual Design Crafting the aesthetics of a product
  • Creating visually appealing layouts.
  • Selecting color schemes, typography, and iconography.
  • Designing custom graphics and illustrations.
  • Ensuring brand consistency across the interface.
User Research Understanding user needs and behaviors.
  • Conducting usability testing.
  • Gathering insights through interviews and surveys.
  • Analyzing user feedback.
  • Informing design decisions based on empirical data.
Usability Testing and Evaluation Evaluation of the product’s usability.
  • Identifying pain points and usability issues.
  • Providing actionable recommendations for improvement.
  • Validating design choices through real user feedback.
Prototyping and Wireframing Prototypers create interactive mockups and wireframes.
  • Translating design concepts into tangible prototypes.
  • Testing navigation and functionality.
  • Iteration sessions after user feedback and stakeholder input.
Responsive Design Adaptation of interfaces for various devices (desktop, tablet, mobile). 
  • Ensuring consistent experiences across screen sizes.
  • Optimizing layouts for different resolutions.
  • Addressing touch interactions and gestures.
Accessibility Audits Accessibility experts assess designs for compliance with accessibility standards (WCAG).
  • Evaluating color contrast, keyboard navigation, and screen reader compatibility.
  • Suggesting improvements to enhance inclusivity.

Whether it’s interaction design, visual aesthetics, or user research, outsourcing empowers companies to achieve their design goals more efficiently and effectively.

4 Steps to Outsource UI/UX Design

Now that you know what types of design work you can delegate to third-party specialists, let’s see how to find a reliable partner you can delegate all these tasks to.

Here are 4 steps to outsourcing the UI/UX design team. 

These tips are based on our 10+ years of collaboration with multiple businesses. We hope that this information will help you find a perfect match.

Define Project Scope and Requirements

Clearly articulate the objectives, scope, and specific requirements of your UI/UX design project. 

This includes identifying target audience demographics, desired features, technical specifications, and any other important details.

For example, when we collaborated with a real estate platform, the top priority task was designing a visually stunning website that would make a lasting impression on visitors and effectively convey their brand identity. 

They needed a design partner who had experience working with startups and could offer valuable advice and best practices.

On top of that, factors like clear communication and cost-efficiency were crucial as well. 

Check out the case study to see how we’ve met those needs and how the collaboration turned out. 

Research and Evaluate Outsourcing Partners

Do thorough research to find outsourcing partners who have the right experience and skills in UI/UX design. 

Evaluate factors such as portfolio quality, client testimonials, industry reputation, and cultural compatibility.

Conduct Portfolio Reviews and Testing

You review the portfolios of the shortlisted agencies, examining their previous e-commerce projects. 

Make sure you analyze their design style, noting if it matches your brand aesthetic and if they prioritize user experience. 

Additionally, you conduct usability testing on their sample websites to assess functionality and responsiveness.

Don’t know what features to look at? According to Clutch, there are 7 top website features that are crucial for users. 

These are:

  • easy navigation
  • descriptions of products and services
  • visuals
  • good-looking design
  • links to social media
  • about us/company team page
  • company blog

Make sure you evaluate these designs when looking for a team.

7 top website features that are crucial for users. 

Launch Collaboration and Monitor KPIs

Once the design is finalized and implemented, launch the product or feature and monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate its effectiveness and impact. 

Track metrics such as user engagement, retention rates, conversion rates, and user satisfaction to measure success and identify areas for improvement.


UI/UX Design Outsourcing Rates and Hidden Costs

When considering UI/UX design outsourcing rates, it’s crucial to understand the various factors that can influence pricing and identify any potential hidden costs. Let’s dive in.

Many UI/UX design agencies or freelancers charge hourly rates or project-based fees. 

Hourly rates can vary widely depending on the designer’s experience, location, and expertise level. 

Project-based pricing is often preferred for budget predictability but requires a clear scope definition to avoid scope creep.

On platforms like Clutch, where UX/UI design agencies are reviewed, the cost of UX design services typically ranges from a few thousand dollars to several tens of thousands.

The average cost for UX/UI design projects reviewed on Clutch falls within these brackets:

  • <$10,000
  • $10,000 – $49,999
  • $50,000 – $199,999
  • >$200,000

Factors influencing the cost include project scale, web design and development support, the scope of services, and team location. For example, hiring dedicated designers from Ukraine will be much cheaper than racing out to American or British specialists, while the level of specialists will be the same. 

UI/UX Design Outsourcing Rates and Hidden Costs

Hourly Rates for Specific UX Services

Consider budgeting for specific services beyond traditional design work when working with a UX/UI design agency. Here are some common services and their average hourly rates:

Hourly Rates for Specific UX Services

If you are building a mobile app and want to learn more about design prices in this field, check out this article on calculating app design budget.

Elevate Your Design with SpdLoad

Check out our UX/UI design services

What are the Hidden Costs to Be Aware of?

Hidden costs can arise if the project scope is unclear, leading to misunderstandings or unexpected revisions. 

Additionally, some freelance designers may include hidden fees for services like file transfer, software licenses, or third-party tools. These expenses are not your problem if you collaborate with an outsourcing services provider.

To mitigate the risk of hidden costs and ensure transparency:

  • Clearly define project requirements, deliverables, and timelines in a detailed contract or agreement.
  • Discuss potential additional costs upfront, such as revisions, extra services, or unexpected project complexities.
  • Request a breakdown of costs and any potential hidden fees before finalizing the contract.
  • Maintain open communication throughout the project to address any concerns or changes promptly.

Remember that investing in UX/UI design is an investment in your users’ satisfaction and your business’s success. Choose wisely to create delightful experiences! 

Why Outsource UX/UI Design to SpdLoad?

In a crowded market, superior UX sets a product apart. Users compare experiences across different apps and websites. 

A delightful and efficient interaction can make a product stand out, attracting more users and retaining existing ones.

Here’s where SPDLoad’s UX/UI designers can help. We will ensure that all of your digital products deliver a seamless user experience that meets their expectations.

You can trust our UX designers to understand your business and hit all of your goals while staying within your budget and deadline.

Bringing fresh perspectives and industry experience to the table is one of the benefits of collaborating with us. Besides, we are pretty flexible to collaborate with so you can always adjust cooperation terms and team size as needed. 

Overall, partnering with SpdLoad can enhance digital projects and create user-friendly experiences.

Tell us about your project, and we will help you create high-quality UI/UX design tailored to your needs. 

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