Low Cost Call Centers, Philippines, India, Cheap Call Centers, Inexpensive

Low Cost Call Centers

The Best Applications for Low Cost Call Centers

Many companies have considered using low cost call centers in India, Pakistan, The Philippines, Eastern Europe or Latin America.  We work with dozens of agencies in these countries and they can do a great job on various types of work.  However, they aren’t a fit for every type of application.  Here are some of the best uses of low cost international call centers:

1.) Outbound with Large Databases

If you are looking for outbound and have a large, inexpensive database or list, then low cost agencies can be a great fit.  

2.) Inbound Technical Support – 

India & Pakistan can be a great option if you require Inbound agents with high level technical training.  The universities in these countries produce massive volumes of skilled labor in engineering and computer science, perfect for technical support or help desk applications.

3.) Simple and/or Repetitive Tasks

This type of work can be a great way to take advantage of the low costs in India, Pakistan or The Philippines.  For example, data entry, transcription, internet research or simple inbound or outbound calls are great tasks to outsource offshore.

4.) Outbound Telemarketing Tests

Do you have an unproven outbound campaign or idea?  Our international low cost call centers can be a great place to test for a few thousand dollars.

5.) Consumer Customer Support –

International call centers can be a good option when you are providing high volume support for a single product or one time customers.   When margin is lean without a repeat client base, cost containment should be a priority.

Ready to discuss the many advantages and disadvantages of hiring a low cost call center agency?  If so, WCC consultants are available to assist in analyzing your situation, discussing the best options, and introducing you to great call centers in the Philippines, India, Pakistan, Eastern Europe, Asia, & Latin America.

Worldwide Call Centers is your source for the best low cost call centers in customer Service, tech support, telemarketing, lead generation, market research, sales, & more.  For a free consultation or to request more information, complete our form or call us at 719.368.8393!

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