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3 Wellness Activities to Sleep Better

Quality Sleep Is Self Care Inspirational Reminder Note On An Art Paper, Healthy Lifestyle Concept

Most people would say they do whatever it takes to get eight or more hours of sleep a night, except actually go to bed eight hours before they need to wake up! And since we all know that mindset isn’t instilled in our brains, here are three wellness activities you can try to implement into your schedule to help facilitate better and deeper sleep.

Regular Physical Activity

Research shows that adults who get at least 30 minutes of exercise daily enjoy an average of 15 minutes longer sleep compared to those who don’t.

Life gets busy and you don’t always have time for 30 minutes of physical activity, it’s understandable. But studies show a positive relationship between any amount of physical activity and sleep. A lack of physical activity could result in various sleep issues including poor quality, disturbances, trouble falling asleep, and reduced time. Additionally, increasing your daily step count can reduce stress and daytime sleepiness and enhance your sleep efficiency.

Avoid Late Night Snacking (But, if You’re Going to Snack, Be Conscious of What You’re Eating)

When and what you are eating could have a significant impact on your sleep quality and maintaining your sleep cycles during the night.

In men, higher fat intake late at night proved to negatively impact sleep efficiency and reduced the duration and quality of sleep. Similarly, women consuming more fat and calories in the evening experienced difficulties falling asleep and were more restless during the night.

When making dietary choices to support your overall well-being, it’s essential to consider not only what you eat but also when you eat, recognizing the significant role of timing in fostering healthy sleep patterns.

Limit Screen Time Before Bed

Research indicates that prolonged screen time in the evening can significantly disrupt the surge of melatonin that is crucial for falling asleep. The light emitted from screens delays the natural transition to sleep even during otherwise calming online activities.

To counteract these effects, try staying off your phone at least one hour before bedtime, preferably engaging in relaxing activities, like reading, to promote a smoother transition to sleep.

Along with these three wellness activities, here are some other ways to possibly help facilitate better sleep:

  • Establish a routine sleep schedule
  • Restrict your time in bed
  • Make your bedroom comfortable
  • Incorporate a “buffer zone” between nighttime activities and sleep
  • Go to bed when you’re sleepy and don’t stay in bed if you’re not sleeping

Whether you are just getting started on your wellness journey or are well on your way, hopefully these tips and tricks help you craft your perfect recipe on your way to better sleep!

Stay tuned for our All About Sleep event happening Thursday March 21st to further your understanding and hopefully get you a one-way ticket to a good nights sleep!

For people to be at their best, it starts with a good night sleep, and at Perficient, our success is defined by our people. Because of this, Perficient has promised to challenge, champion, and celebrate our colleagues, and that includes empowering their personal health and well-being. The LiveWell ERG will help guide colleagues on their path to find happiness in and out of the workplace and this event is just one of the ways we are putting that promise to action!


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Adam Reichwein

Adam Reichwein is an Associate Marketing Manager for our AWS Practice here at Perficient. Prior to working at Perficient he has held numerous client facing roles in both a small and large marketing agency setting. Adam is ready for a new challenge and couldn’t be more excited to hit the ground running here at Perficient.

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