10 Terrible Gifts for Coworkers and Where to Find Them

Number 10

Eye Vomit in a good way.  And perfect for wearing around the office on casual Fridays. $16.95 – LINK

Number 7

Grandma called. She wants the bird back.  Also a perfect gift for someone about to retire.  They’ll need something to look at all day.  $19.95 – LINK

Number 4

As one of my bosses’ said – “You can do anything ONCE.” Any self-help book is always recommended in the workplace. It’s being supportive of their career. Totally.

$16.18 – LINK

Number 9

How is this even a thing? Seriously. Just make sure to give it to your favorite pooch-loving coworker. $16.99 – LINK

Number 6

There’s a reason this isn’t sold in stores. But hey, it does light up, so that’s a bonus!  Just don’t give it to a coworker who tends to wear pointy shoes. $21.95 you can  – LINK

Number 3

Nothing says a good time for all better than Donald Trump’s talking head. Great for those coworkers who love to argue about politics.  Because they changed your mind last time you talked, right?  $17.95 – LINK

Number 8

A customized picture of yourself. Better yet, a random person – Genius! Don’t forget to personalize it! 29.75 – LINK

Number 5

Re-gifting. Odds are if you didn’t want it, neither will your coworker.

So clean out your closet or garage from last year’s white elephant. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. Year. After Year

Number 2

Jesus on your dashboard? Religion at work? Perfect gift as long as you aren’t Islamic, Agnostic, Hindu, Buddhist, or any other part of the 67% that identifies as non-Christian. And if you get stuck with it, at least you don’t have to buy something for Grandma this year. $9.88  –  LINK

Number 1

Nothing embodies the Christmas spirit more than finding out you weigh as much as a bear after eating a chicken’s worth of weight over the break. By far my favorite gift of all!  £22.99 –  LINK

10 Terrible Gifts and Where to Find Them!

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10 Terrible Gifts for Coworkers and Where to Find Them 1

4 thoughts on “10 Terrible Gifts for Coworkers and Where to Find Them

    1. Thanks! Maybe it’s my glass of wine at the end of the night doing the talking!

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