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Organizational Change Management

You’re Ready for Change. Is Your Organization?

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We’ve seen the headlines. We’ve read the articles. Technology transformations are here and appear to be never ending. As a matter of fact, they are accelerating. Organizations are prioritizing their technology initiatives and increasing their IT budgets; yet the majority (about 70%) of these initiatives do not reach their goals. Perhaps because technological change is much bigger than it might appear; especially, when the technology spans across the entire organization or touches multiple critical processes. While the technology might be happy to squeeze right into its new environment, the people that work with or benefit from the technology will need some help. There are a few things we can do improve the quality of your technology initiatives by identifying barriers, minimizing resistance, and enabling change.

Conduct an Organizational Readiness Assessment

You might be ready for change, but is your organization? An organization is made up much more than just people and technology- there are invisible structures, policies, processes, and expectations in place that can aid or hinder a transformation initiative. Conducting an organizational assessment before embarking on your new technological journey can ensure your key stakeholders are aligned, that you have the right organizational structures and systems in place, and uncover behavioral patterns across key groups that might enable or resist change.

Leverage Your People

Bring in the change management experts to work as partners with your stakeholders. Afterall, nobody knows your business better than your people. Involving and leveraging your people will empower them to take ownership and help push this initiative through rather than have it be dictated to them. Your people can make the change and adoption happen; we’re here to provide some help.

Enable Change

It will be incredibly difficult, if not impossible to manage change without enabling it. Enabling change means ensuring your people are ready, willing, and able to go down this journey with you. This involves providing them with the right information at the right time, ensuring that learning and development needs are met (from analysis to training delivery), and providing adequate time to learn and adjust to get through and beyond the initiative.

As technological and digital transformations continue to lead the way in change management initiatives, it’s important to keep in mind how these transformations fit into your overall business strategy, environment, and how your people will react. By making sure your organization and your people are ready and adequality equipped, you can enable change and watch it unfold before your eyes.


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Olaguibel Sampogna

Olaguibel Sampogna is a Solutions Architect in the Organizational Change Management practice. He helps organizations prepare for and adapt to changes, develop talent strategies, and implement strong communication and feedback practices through data-driven methods.

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