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Commerce Expert Shares How SXSW Can Boost Inspiration

People Having A Business Meeting

As South by Southwest (SXSW) convenes on Austin, Texas, Perficient Director, Lead Commerce Strategist and Austin resident, Justin Racine, shared his perspectives in an article on CMSWire.

Racine shares his personal journey with public speaking and how sometimes, fear gets the best of us, but that we all can overcome that fear. With SXSW convening on his home, and many creators putting their work, passions, and inspirations out there for everyone to see, some fear could bubble up. But Racine shares “being vulnerable is a[n] essential part of growth and inspiration.”

What You’ll Learn from the Piece

In a city known for “keeping it weird,” culture and creativity abound. These are vital to finding inspiration. In the article, you’ll see:

  • How SXSW brings creatives together from a variety of industries and careers, thus boosting inspiration
  • Why you should leave your comfort zone to truly take in the full picture
  • Speakers are great, but it’s networking that will inspire

Check out the full piece here! 

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Angie Spencer

Ever since she was in high school, Angie knew she wanted to work in the world of words. Now with more than 15 years of experience in a variety of content creation roles from journalism to learning and development, she is an Associate Marketing Manager supporting Commerce at Perficient. She likes bringing humor into her work and can often be found on local stages performing improv comedy, sometimes winning bar trivia nights, or hanging out with her dog, Launchpad.

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