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Generative AI

The Use Case for Generative AI Code Generation: Accelerating and Enhancing Development

African Computer Programmer Writing Code

Perficient’s Generative AI Lab, part of our larger Generative AI Innovation Group, is consistently exploring and implementing use cases for generative AI and helping clients operationalize it with policies, advocacy, controls, and enablement.

One use case organizations can consider is generative AI code generation, which allows companies to automate and expedite the software development process.

What Is Generative AI Code Generation?

Generative AI code generation is the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to create or modify source code based on a user’s input or description. Generative AI code generation can help developers write code faster, easier, and more efficiently by automating some of the coding tasks, such as writing boilerplate code, suggesting code snippets, or translating code from one language to another. Generative AI code generation can also enable non-developers to create applications or scripts without having to learn how to code.

Why Should Organizations Consider Gen AI Code Generation?

There are several reasons companies should consider leveraging generative AI for code development:

  1. Accelerate Development: Leveraging generative AI for code generation significantly speeds up the development process by automating repetitive tasks, reducing manual effort, and eliminating human error. Generative AI significantly reduces development time particularly for both junior developers and senior developers working with unfamiliar code libraries or languages.
  2. Enhance Code Quality: Generative AI ensures consistent adherence to coding standards and best practices. Based on your organization’s standards for writing code, you can apply that when the AI is writing a function so it knows your standards and will format it appropriately.
  3. Speed Code Analysis and Documentation: Generative AI can analyze code and identify and document the hidden connections, dependencies, and business logic within it, which is typically a difficult and time-consuming process. This saves time and effort for developers who need to document their code, and is especially useful when moving off of legacy applications where documentation may not exist.

What’s Next? 

Interested in how generative AI code generation could benefit your company, or would you like to explore other use cases for your organization? Contact us today. 

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Noelle Reinhold, Marketing Director

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