22 Reasons to Work with Transparent BPO in 2022

05 January, 2022



Nearshore and Offshore options offer quality, cost-competitive alternative

By Dean Birtwell, Vice President, Business Development, Transparent BPO

The start of a new year traditionally gives us a sense of renewal.

A fresh start.

A chance to turn the page.

A time for new resolutions and a new outlook.  

Professionally, the new fiscal year is an opportunity to examine our business models to improve operations, service levels and profitability. The pressure ‘switch’ for continual improvement is never “off” and service upgrades can be uncovered, particularly when reviewing domestic contact center operations.

To kick-start your new year, I’m offering ‘22 reasons why you should consider working with Transparent BPO in 2022.’       

  1. Unmatched English-language contact center services.
  2. We provide round-the-clock 24/7/365 service from our global operations.
  3. Nearshore accessibility in Belize: You can be in your office in the morning and on the call floor the same day.
  4. Core Value #1: Quality. Everything we do is of the highest quality for your customer. The business practices we employ, the people we hire, the facilities we operate, and the technology we use will be innovative and best-in-class. We insist on having the highest standards.
  5. Jamaica is the largest English-speaking nation in the Caribbean. Our new facility in Angels will offer up to 1,500 seats with agents who can go off-script but stay on message.
  6. Belize is the only Latin American country to be a former British colony where English is the official and dominant language.
  7. Transparent BPO hires right & trains right. This standard leads to a consistently low agent attrition rate.
  8. WorkSecure Suite® provides security, agility and flexibility when deploying agents from work-from-home environments. 
  9. Transparent BPO Core Value#2: We keep our clients’ needs first. Fulfilling the needs of our clients and helping them to reach their goals are the essence of our business. Our business was created from a client’s perspective; we understand that our clients’ goals must be first in mind.
  10. Our Jamaica operations leverage the country’s legacy as a premier contact center destination. Our new location allows us to bring low attrition rates to your programs as we are the only BPO in Angels, Jamaica.
  11. English fluency and problem-solving skills allow our agents to go off-script to empathize with customers.
  12. Our Hub & Home model enables quick scalability to leverage agents between brick-and-mortar facilities and Work-from-Home capacity.
  13. Cultural affinity – our agents understand American lifestyles and purchasing preferences.
  14. Our agents possess deep experience in high-touch customer care and outbound sales and lead generation.
  15. Transparent BPO Core Value #3: Community. We are committed to making a difference in the lives of our employees and our community. Our business decisions will demonstrate social responsibility wherever we operate.
  16. Transparent BPO’s rigorous recruiting practices select only about 18% of applicants for training. We hire right and train right to reduce attrition, ensuring the right agents support your customers.
  17. Transparent BPO Core Value #4: Transparency. We will be open, honest, and ethical in everything we do. We will operate openly, honestly, and ethically. We seek to create strong, long-lasting partnerships through straightforward business practices.
  18. Belize is the emerging destination of customer care providers.
  19. WorkSecure Suite® provides uninterrupted voice and sound quality; removing background noise in real-time so your customer only hears the voice of the agent.
  20. Our senior operations executives at our sites are U.S. ex-pats who average more than 20 years of experience in the BPO industry.  
  21. Global Transparent BPO operations in Belize, Jamaica & the Philippines offer consistent and reliable cost reduction alternative contact center options with geographical redundancies.
  22. Tenured leadership team. Our senior leadership team is experienced industry veterans who are responsive and deliver results without the red tape and bureaucracy of a large, multilayered corporation.